What age for stable adult weights?


Senior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2018
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I was reviewing my piggy weights and wondering at what age a healthy piggy reaches a stable adult weight? 5 of my piggies are about a year to 18 months old, and the 4 we have in the main herd (3 girls and Theo) and have at least 5 or 6 months of weekly weight check data for are still gaining weight overall at about 30-50g per month. None of them are too fat or thin by heft, and none of them are particularly big pigs, so I'm not worried, I just wondered what age they max out and stabilise?
Ollie boar is also about a year old and he's lost a bit of weight since he arrived but I put that down to getting married to a hyperactive young wife who keeps him very busy!
In the weight section of the guides it says 9-15 months, once they've levelled out they can have another spurt a few months later. They are in their prime between 2-3years. Looking at my records mine seem to have been around 13-14 months when they levelled off. I currently have 3 bellow that age though so will be interesting to see how they grow as 2 are the lightest teens I've ever had.
Both of mines weights levelled out at around 10 months old, or around then as i don’t know their exact ages. Although it still does fluctuate slightly but not by much.