What Adorable Habits Do Your Pigs Have?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Plutonian living in Surrey.
Do your piggies have sweet little habits? Godfrey will kick food out of the way to find something to his taste, and Duncan will squeak angrily while nudging toys aside if they get in his way, and he sort of digs through the hay- squeakily pawing rapidly at it for some reason...
When I prepare the piggies' veggies I put them into punnets (the sort that grapes come in) before I serve them to the wheelers. Zebedee is so impatient that he has been known to jump into the punnet before I can put the veggies into the bowls!
Jon Snow always stands on his veg to stop it from getting away. "Too slow chicken marango!"

Podrick's new habit isn't so adorable. He always flips over his houses, so I've recently found a way to stop him flipping the plastic house. Now, he always sleeps inside it like this:

Awww... all my pigs have had their own little endearing habits! Frenzy was hyper and would get too excited to think straight and thus do ridiculous things like get trapped in the cage because she kept running past the open door, too excited to see it, apparently. Linney was a huge lap pig and would flop on our laps and go to sleep, but she was so bossy with the other guinea pig that if they were drinking, she would actually get up from sleeping and butt in front of them because heaven forbid anyone drink before Linney! Sundae was so used to the dominant pigs taking food from her (she ate slower than average because of some dental issues in her youth) that she would hoard food in the pigloo- she would take a treat from us and then run backwards into the pigloo dragging it, and she would also take the edge of the food bowl in her teeth and pull it backwards into the pigloo and sleep in front of it. Hadley is probably the biggest food mooch we have ever had and she knows when each family member gets up and who is likely to feed her and spends extra time and volume wheeking at them (I think my teenage son is Hadley's employee at this point.) And Leela is just a baby, very happy/bouncy about everything and very noisy when you pat her... she also likes having her belly rubbed and will flip on her side so you can reach it.
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