Junior Guinea Pig
I would really like some advice.
Last year our beautiful Juno (definitely the alpha sow) died. It left us with her sister Attie - the underpig and a bit of a softie - and Mike, a neutered rescue boar - also a gentle soul.
I decided that the way ahead was to introduce another younger female so that we could keep a group of three going forward. It proved trickier than I thought - nothing came up at the rescue centres - so I went to a breeder. She didn't want to let a single pig go but when I explained the set-up, she was Ok with it. Her guinea pigs were beautifully looked after and used to being handled.
Ideally, we would have gone for another two pigs, but we don't have room. We have a big run outside but have to bring the pigs in at night because of foxes. Indoors, we have a lot less space and I don't want to stress them out by overcrowding.
We chose an adorable long haired tri colour - now called Valentina - and got her about two months ago when she was just over 8 weeks.
I was expecting the two older ones to boss her about a bit and then it all to settle down and Attie to move into alpha female mode. What seems to have happened is that Valentina is bullying the other two.
She bites - and badly. She has drawn blood from every member of the (human) family and has also bitten the other two pigs.You can see when it is going to happen - she gets this manic look in her eyes and then starts looking around for something to bite. The other two seem to avoid her a lot - often they will go into a house where there is just room for the two of them and not her.
We have been observing quite closely and she mostly bites when she is being carried - it obviously stresses her out a lot. She is reasonably happy having laptime on her own, but bit the other two when they were having laptime next to her. We have now taken to giving her a chew toy (it's more like having a puppy). It's a piece of cloth and she grabs it in her mouth and tosses it around.
Things have been slowly getting better - there are times when all three snuggle in the same house and MIke has been seen chasing her around a bit. But it has been slow.
However, we just left them for a few days with a friend who runs an animal rescue charity and is very experienced. What she has told me has got me worried. She thinks that there is something wrong with Valentina and that she doesn't want to be with the other two, so she bites when she knows she is being carried back to them. She also saw V blocking Attie from getting to the food and thinks that the two older ones are a lot more subdued now (she has known them a while). Her advice is to separate them but keep V alongside.
I am torn. I am not going to give up on our new girl but I have two older and very sweet pigs that I have to think about too. If I separate her now, there will probably be no going back. But I don't want to force contact if it upsetting Attie and Mikey.
Has anyone had a situation like this ?
I would really like some advice.
Last year our beautiful Juno (definitely the alpha sow) died. It left us with her sister Attie - the underpig and a bit of a softie - and Mike, a neutered rescue boar - also a gentle soul.
I decided that the way ahead was to introduce another younger female so that we could keep a group of three going forward. It proved trickier than I thought - nothing came up at the rescue centres - so I went to a breeder. She didn't want to let a single pig go but when I explained the set-up, she was Ok with it. Her guinea pigs were beautifully looked after and used to being handled.
Ideally, we would have gone for another two pigs, but we don't have room. We have a big run outside but have to bring the pigs in at night because of foxes. Indoors, we have a lot less space and I don't want to stress them out by overcrowding.
We chose an adorable long haired tri colour - now called Valentina - and got her about two months ago when she was just over 8 weeks.
I was expecting the two older ones to boss her about a bit and then it all to settle down and Attie to move into alpha female mode. What seems to have happened is that Valentina is bullying the other two.
She bites - and badly. She has drawn blood from every member of the (human) family and has also bitten the other two pigs.You can see when it is going to happen - she gets this manic look in her eyes and then starts looking around for something to bite. The other two seem to avoid her a lot - often they will go into a house where there is just room for the two of them and not her.
We have been observing quite closely and she mostly bites when she is being carried - it obviously stresses her out a lot. She is reasonably happy having laptime on her own, but bit the other two when they were having laptime next to her. We have now taken to giving her a chew toy (it's more like having a puppy). It's a piece of cloth and she grabs it in her mouth and tosses it around.
Things have been slowly getting better - there are times when all three snuggle in the same house and MIke has been seen chasing her around a bit. But it has been slow.
However, we just left them for a few days with a friend who runs an animal rescue charity and is very experienced. What she has told me has got me worried. She thinks that there is something wrong with Valentina and that she doesn't want to be with the other two, so she bites when she knows she is being carried back to them. She also saw V blocking Attie from getting to the food and thinks that the two older ones are a lot more subdued now (she has known them a while). Her advice is to separate them but keep V alongside.
I am torn. I am not going to give up on our new girl but I have two older and very sweet pigs that I have to think about too. If I separate her now, there will probably be no going back. But I don't want to force contact if it upsetting Attie and Mikey.
Has anyone had a situation like this ?