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Wet bum


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 16, 2023
Reaction score
My Guinea pig has started to get a wet bum over the last couple of days . She’s always been the clean one of my pigs and not that long fur at the back. I have heard it could be UTI or cystitis from other posts. Would it be okay to keep an eye on it incase it sorts itself out and if it doesn’t go then take her to the vets ? Advice please .

She was spayed in November, could this be a side effect from it or not ?
Yes do keep an eye on her, switch to daily weight checks and do see a vet. It can take a couple of days before symptoms of a UTI become more consistent.
Do also consider whether she is moving about less than normal. If she is sitting more and getting wet because of that then it can mean she is experiencing discomfort/pain so you don’t want to delay seeing a vet for too long.
I would call a vet on Tuesday morning but see an emergency vet if she deteriorates today or tomorrow.