Wendy House?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
Does anyone have their pigs in a Wendy house/ shed ? I'm looking into doing this, but would like some advice and ideas please.

How would you insulate it? Does it need insulating?

Do you store the piggies essentials in the Wendy house? I've got a phobia of rats and mice so scared to keep anything out there to tempt them!

Do you have them in a hutch inside, or put them straight on the floor?

I'm thinking of having a shelf type thing so can keep two lots of pigs in there, is that a viable option or am I crazy?

Thanks in advance to anyone who answers
Hi, I keep my three girls in a shed. They are free range on the floor and have hides etc. The shed door has a secondary aviary style door with step-over to stop the pigs escaping, one perspex window and one openable window with security mesh. The shed is partially insulated with Celotex insulation boards and has a solar powered light. I have a shelf which I keep their carrier, dry food, bag of hay and a dirty-bedding spot-cleaning bucket. Their bedding and spare bags of hay live in a big metal bin near to the shed. One thing I hadn't anticipated was how hot they get in the sun, insulation will help but my girls have to live inside when it's actually summer!
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