Well That Didn't Go To Plan :(

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Nr Bourne, Linconshire, uk
I tried bonding Alex and Mavin today they seemed fine running around the floor together for ages they were teeth chattering but nothing nasty so I popped them into the clean cage together and the teeth chattering started really badly I kept an eye on them on and off for an hour they didn't to settle and I saw lots of negative signs i left them for 5mins thinking I should let them try to bond before rushing in and messing things up. I come back to find Alex had a scratched nose and a cut lip and Marvin holding his paw :( I split them up there and then and checked both of my boys over. It looks like Mavin has scratched Alex face and as he did that Alex bite Marvins paw (I am keeping an eye on them both) so I plan to try Marvin with oreo once ive moved house.
I am very sorry that it hasn't worked out for you! :(

Please make sure that you disinfect the wounds with either hibiscrub or saline solution, which you can get from the pharmacy or make at home in an emergency. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into 1 pint/500ml of boiled cooled water. Have the paw seen to by a vet and keep an eye on all wounds in case there are abscesses forming.
I am very sorry that it hasn't worked out for you! :(

Please make sure that you disinfect the wounds with either hibiscrub or saline solution, which you can get from the pharmacy or make at home in an emergency. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into 1 pint/500ml of boiled cooled water. Have the paw seen to by a vet and keep an eye on all wounds in case there are abscesses forming.
Will do thank you wiebke.
Will you be able to keep Marvin if it doesn't work out with Oreo?
Will you be able to keep Marvin if it doesn't work out with Oreo?
I will need to have a really good think about it Helen as I would then have 3 single boars which I would need to keep as singles as I carnt keeping adding piggies as much as I would love too. I know I can give them the care, time and the things they need if I stop at 5. If Marvin and oreo get on I would then send Alex for the op and get him a wife. :)
Sorry it didn't turn out well, hoping your boys will get better. :(

I had a failed bonding between boys a few years ago. I was unprepared, though. Still bawled my eyes out over having to return one.
Awww no :( that's such a shame!
I hope you can get him bonded with Oreo!

Marvin is soo beautiful and I would fall in love with him too! So I hope you are able too keep him!x
Sorry it didn't turn out well, hoping your boys will get better. :(

I had a failed bonding between boys a few years ago. I was unprepared, though. Still bawled my eyes out over having to return one.

Argh I was the same. Two of my girls fell out and nothing I could do worked so I had to give one back, I had only had her 3 weeks and she was such a sweet girl. Like you, I bawled my eyes out all the way there and back! I think Anna thought I was nuts.

So sorry it didn't work out mycuteboys, it is sooo frustrating and sad isn't it?
I'm so sorry it didn't work hun! I hope that it does with Oreo as I know you have fallen in love with this little guy too! I have my fingers firmly crossed!
Thank you SOOO much for all these lovely replies, the support means a lot to me thank you x
Marvin has always been on his own so it's going to take a bit of time I think, he was really excited to meet my boys he popcorned all over his new cage bless him.
We're smitten with this piggy too :doh:, so much for only wanting two piggies ha ha :)
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