Anniversary Herd
Another stunningly handsome boar @Flutterby ! He looks a bit like our boss lady Clover, I'll show her his gorgeous pin-up pigtures How many piggies do you have now?!
What a lovely boy Woody is! I am surprised you remember all their names!
His life just keeps on getting better and better then lucky boy. From one fab home to another. When will he meet his new wives Ruth? I take it he's in quarantine at the mo?Woody was originally adopted out from the rescue 4 years ago and has come back to us after his elderly wives passed away. He's had a fab home these past 4 years and hopefully will like his new wives!
His life just keeps on getting better and better then lucky boy. From one fab home to another. When will he meet his new wives Ruth? I take it he's in quarantine at the mo?