Welcome to 'Guineapig Village' (in my kitchen)

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things have progressed a lot for the indoor boars at my house, they are now all living together in 'Guineapig Village' which is in my kitchen! the area is 4' x 7'. excuse the mess - it's just a settling in period for them and i don't want to keep rearranging things until the pecking order is established. at the moment it is just Max and Mr Fuzzy that are not seeing eye to eye for position of Top Pig and i hope they will settle down soon. i still have 3 indoor cages should any need to be taken out of the group.

wow that looks awesome :) good job how many piggies living in there?
sorry forgot to say 98) there is Mr Fuzzy, Hugo, Hector, Max and Charlie :)
Wonderful setup, looks like they will never get bored in there! :)

But, is that a cat I see looking into the cage? Are you going to secure it somehow or is your cat usually not allowed in the kitchen..?
Abnoba said:
But, is that a cat I see looking into the cage? Are you going to secure it somehow or is your cat usually not allowed in the kitchen..?

;D that is 2 cats looking into the cage. CutieGirl (the grey one) only has 3 legs and cannot jump in there, the others could jump in there if they wanted to but it is usually only Alfie who goes in there. i have 5 cats 2 free-range rabbits in the garden, 4 outdoor caged rabbits, 5 indoor pigs and 4 outdoor pigs. my cats have never harmed or even attempted to harm any of them. all the cats have been raised with pigs/rabbits since they were kittens so maybe they are not like other cats. :)
i tawt i taw a puddy tat! ;D I just presumed it was a plastic bag or somthing... ::)
Wow that looks great lots of space and hideys. You have some gorgeous piggys too. One thing- keep an eye on that Rody Igloo. The supapet ones seem to be fine but the rody ones have been known to cause internal injuries if chewed and small pieces are injested... these can even be fatal. So do check on it and if you notice they are chewing it I would remove it. ;) Wicked set up. Bet they love it
Barmy4boars said:
Wow that looks great lots of space and hideys. You have some gorgeous piggys too. One thing- keep an eye on that Rody Igloo. The supapet ones seem to be fine but the rody ones have been known to cause internal injuries if chewed and small pieces are injested... these can even be fatal. So do check on it and if you notice they are chewing it I would remove it. ;) Wicked set up. Bet they love it

which one is the Rody Igloo? is it the yellow one? i'll take it out, don't want to take any chances. ;)
looks fab ! lucky piggies !
i have 13 cats & all are fine with my piggies n buns in fact Alfie my 3 legged Siamese x will curl up with them when they have floor time as does my shar pei ..... the piggies love it :smitten:
Max and Charlie have moved out of Guineapig Village :(
because they were an established pair i don't think they could adjust to living in a larger group and some fighting broke out. the others all came as singletons so i'm hoping that they will form a bonded trio :)
Fantastic set up ;D & yep the rody pigloo is the yellow one.

Sorry to hear about Max & Charlie, boys will be boys as they say. Good luck with the trio ;)
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