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New Born Pup
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
United States
A couple days ago I noticed my baby Ramen’s eye was looking weird and I looked all over the internet to try and find out what’s wrong with her but never found anything. :td:

Her behavior hasn’t changed much and she still takes care of herself like before, but she hates it when I try to touch that eye in particular.

Should I be worried or will it go away on its own?
Hello rubberduckytoy I would take Ramen to a vet. Eye problems are very serious and only a vet can diagnose this.
Guinea pigs are excellent at hiding pain and symptoms so altho Ramen is behaving normally you MUST get a vet appointment asap as an emergency. Good luck
Hello rubberduckytoy I would take Ramen to a vet. Eye problems are very serious and only a vet can diagnose this.
Guinea pigs are excellent at hiding pain and symptoms so altho Ramen is behaving normally you MUST get a vet appointment asap as an emergency. Good luck
I’ll try to take her as soon as I can, I’m very worried it might be pink eye now because she has some discharge around her eyes and she’s shaking a bit.
Good idea take Ramen to a vet asap
Let us know how she gets on
Good luck and hoping the vet can get her sorted !
I agree with @Roselina .
Eyes are classed as emergencies and should be seen by a vet as soon as possible.
We can’t diagnose for you.
Hope it’s nothing serious and is easily treated.
Please keep us updated.

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