Weird Sleeping Positions...

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Rochester Piggy

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
Rochester, Washington, USA
I just got the scare of my life! So I walked over to say hi to the pigs and I saw Paisley laying in the fleece forest in a really weird position... my instinct reaction was thinking "oh my god Paisley's dead!!" I kept repeating in my head "Paisley is not dead. Paisley is not dead. Paisley is not dead." Then I said "Paisley, girl, what are you doing?" and began to reach towards her. Well, she popped up, squeaked at me, and ran into the nearest pigloo, which happened to occupy her sister Cali, who then started rumblestrutting. I started laughing and said "How many heart attacks can you girls give me?"

Has anyone ever seen their pigs sleep in a position that made them look dead? Is this a cause for concern?
I'm an overprotective mommy and I am constantly checking their poo and pee and drinking/eating, weight, etc. I'm constantly looking for things wrong with them because I don't want them to suffer and die.
My piggy always sleeps in a position where he looks relatively dead...:lol!: I was worried at first and kept checking him but really he was just super relaxed and stretched out to sleep. I wouldn't worry about it- your girl is merely having a deep slumber.
Ha - they really do keep us on our toes.
I wrote a thread a while back on this exact same 'problem'.

Ruby - Traumatising Small Children Since 2016

That's so funny! Think I would've been traumatised if I'd come into the room and saw that! They certainly like to keep you on your toes don't they! Interestingly, we call our daughter the Guinea Pig Whisperer in our house as the girls just adore her and she can scoop them up, stroke them and all sorts with no problem, whereas they scarper if we try! They even wheek if she leaves the room!
Ha - they really do keep us on our toes.
I wrote a thread a while back on this exact same 'problem'.

Ruby - Traumatising Small Children Since 2016

I remember when you posted that, I couldn't stop laughing at the time. Oh, Ruby.

Comet regularly curls himself round in a ball to sleep. These days he tends to do it so you see the white stripe across the back of his neck poking out the door of a carrot cottage. Blitzen then generally falls asleep with his head on top of Comet's back. Occasionally instead Comet will rest his dewlap on his front paws and his head on the dewlap and fall asleep that way, but he rarely falls asleep outside of the carrot cottages so I have no idea what his back legs are doing lol.

He's only fallen asleep outside of the carrot cottages once, and that was yesterday and he was lying in such a way that I could barely move to take photos lol.
:zzz: i had that tonight, Grace gave me a scare - she's always been chilled out & trusting as an adult, but tonight she was so deeply asleep, i started to wonder ... until i seen her eyelids twitch :eek: PHHHHEEEEEWWWWW & breathe!
she does sleep soundly often, needing a little vocal encouragement to wake her up... Dopple had already climbed all over her to get at the cucumber & carrot tops though!

ps yes i remember & loved that thread too @Swissgreys

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LOL! All of our pigs would sometimes do the 'dead sleep,' but it only freaked out the kids when an elderly piggy tried it. Poor Sundae would get poked with a child finger every single time she slept deeply from about age 5 onwards! She was a fan of the 'stretch out kind of sideways but leave your eyes half open' sleep position. Scared the kids (and me) on numerous occasions!
Paisley just played possum in the cuddle cup and got a poke from me! My other piggy Cali uses her enormous dewlap as a pillow and it's really cute! (I checked and theres no tumor there BTW)
I just got the scare of my life! So I walked over to say hi to the pigs and I saw Paisley laying in the fleece forest in a really weird position... my instinct reaction was thinking "oh my god Paisley's dead!" I kept repeating in my head "Paisley is not dead. Paisley is not dead. Paisley is not dead." Then I said "Paisley, girl, what are you doing?" and began to reach towards her. Well, she popped up, squeaked at me, and ran into the nearest pigloo, which happened to occupy her sister Cali, who then started rumblestrutting. I started laughing and said "How many heart attacks can you girls give me?"

[you]Has anyone ever seen their pigs sleep in a position that made them look dead? Is this a cause for concern?[/you]
I'm an overprotective mommy and I am constantly checking their poo and pee and drinking/eating, weight, etc. I'm constantly looking for things wrong with them because I don't want them to suffer and die.
my girl sleeps on her side, i always have a mild stroke thinking she is away to piggy heaven! then she gets up and starts wheeking as if, eh, what are you freeking out about lol
My pigs recently started laying down on their sides. I've only had them since early February so I had never seen them lay out in the open before. Every time I see them laying down, my heart jumps. I keep asking my boyfriend "what's wrong with them?!" and he keeps telling me that they're just relaxing. I'm still getting used to it!
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