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Weird protrusion on my F Guinea pigs lower right stomach

Mar 4, 2025
Reaction score
United States
Hello I am the owner of an approximately 3 year old piggy but today I noticed she has a weird little brown protrusion of some sort on her lower right belly. I cant get a photo of it because it's too difficult but is that normal or should I call a vet ?
Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck at the vets I hope it’s something easily sorted.
Hello I am the owner of an approximately 3 year old piggy but today I noticed she has a weird little brown protrusion of some sort on her lower right belly. I cant get a photo of it because it's too difficult but is that normal or should I call a vet ?

Hi and welcome

Good that you are seeing a vet. With a little luck it is just a harmless sebaceous cyst or fatty lump/lipoma.
Guinea Lynx :: Lumps

Or you may have discovered a nipple? Both male and female piggies have got two of them. The colour of them depends on the skin markings.


All the best.

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