off topic but i just noticed he has blue eyes
Do you mean blue iris or blue centre?
Blue irises are rare, but they do happen - more often in breeder circles.
Blue (instead of black) pupae should be vet checked; it could be an ulceration (infection gunk) or cataracts, which can happen in young guinea pigs with a genetic disposition. An eye that is reflecting blue instead of red in flash light, is from an opaque lens (cataracts or nuclear sclerosis).
Sorry, but we have learned to be careful in making sure that we are talking about the same issue.
In terms of poos, please feed as much hay as possible; it should make around 80% of what a guinea pig eats in a day since grass/hay fibre is what their digestive system and their gut microbiome is laid out for. The correct diet boosts general health and can add 1-2 years to a healthy life span, taking it from the lower to the upper average end or beyond. Veg and pellets both replace the supplementary role that wild forage used to play. One small bowl of preferably green veg and fresh herbs and 1 tablespoon of pellets will do the trick. The rest should be hay, hay and more hay, making for solid, healthy poos.
Here is our comprehensive diet guide, which looks at all food groups in a diet but also at each group in practical detail.
Soft poos are an indication that the gut microbiome is not working optimally; the best way to allow the microbiome to settle down and stop the overgrowth of the wrong kind of bacteria in the gut is to stop any fresh food for a day or two in cases of a mild tummy upset.