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Weird pee?


New Born Pup
Apr 17, 2022
Reaction score
Asia Pasific
Hello, i am a new come here but i hope i can get help about this. I have a guinea pig, named phil, he was had a weird pee as its consistency looks like a gel. Does anybody know about this? šŸ„²IMG-20220417-WA0002.webp
How long have you had Phil? Is he ok in himself and not whining when peeing? Has he seen a vet or on any treatment?
Hello, i am a new come here but i hope i can get help about this. I have a guinea pig, named phil, he was had a weird pee as its consistency looks like a gel. Does anybody know about this? šŸ„²View attachment 200800

Hi and welcome

This not normal. Please have Phil vet checked after Easter during normal opening hours and make sure that you show your vet this picture during the examination.

Keep an eye on his weight (weigh daily at the same time instead of the normal life-long weekly weigh-in) and make sure that he is both eating and drinking. Keep in mind that at least three quarters of his daily food intake should be hay/fresh grass and not veg and pellets (the latter two only replace the supplementary role of wild forage in a grass/hay based diet). You cannot control the hay intake by eye, which is why weighing is so important.
What to look out for when weighing and how urgently to see a vet depending on the weight loss in this guide: Weight - Monitoring and Management

How old is Phil and how long have you had him?
Hi and welcome

This not normal. Please have Phil vet checked after Easter during normal opening hours and make sure that you show your vet this picture during the examination.

Keep an eye on his weight (weigh daily at the same time instead of the normal life-long weekly weigh-in) and make sure that he is both eating and drinking. Keep in mind that at least three quarters of his daily food intake should be hay/fresh grass and not veg and pellets (the latter two only replace the supplementary role of wild forage in a grass/hay based diet). You cannot control the hay intake by eye, which is why weighing is so important.
What to look out for when weighing and how urgently to see a vet depending on the weight loss in this guide: Weight - Monitoring and Management

How old is Phil and how long have you had him?
He's 1 year old, and i've been with him for 10 months. I am so worried, but confused at the same time also, because after he let that 'gel thingy' out, he's peeing normally. He's still eating his hay and drinking well.

I am still searching for a competent vet, as i am scared if they're not competent enough.

Do you know possible things that might happen about that 'gel thigy'? šŸ„²
How long have you had Phil? Is he ok in himself and not whining when peeing? Has he seen a vet or on any treatment?
About 10 months. He's a bit whining while letting out that gel thingy. But then he's not whinning again. No, he hasn't as vet still closed due to easter date.
Iā€™d get him checked for your own peace of mind, it could be a number of things but best getting checked out good luck and keep us posted