Weird or not?

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Nov 11, 2010
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Just went to check on the piggies (I have 3) and my Harriet was laid flat out, like she was laying down to sleep on the sawdust right out in the open cage and didnt spook when I went near her, whereas normally she scarpers!? She got up eventually and sauntered off to her hidey hole. Not seen this before so wanted to know if it was normal? Thanks?/
Also, this is completely random and in the wrong section, but can you mix Abyssinians with Skinny Pigs? :)
Relaxed piggies can crash out completely and can give their owners quite a shock! Looks like Harriet is feeling very comfy and confident to sleep right out in the open.

You can keep skinnies with normal piggies, but as I am not a skinny specialist, you may profit from looking up skinny threads in the "search" category on the top bar or specifically start a new thread for your issue. We have a few skinny owners on here.
She's popcorning now, and filling her face! Typical! Was a little worried but you have put our minds at rest now, Thanks!
My Lexi likes sleeping out in the open. I think it's sweet, although it did worry me at first because I thought she might have been ill. She was fine though, just like sleeping :))
My pigs will sometimes sleep right out in the open- it always freaks me out a little, especially since they tend to close their eyes halfway, which looks a little alarming! In their case, they are just snoozing... I tend to crinkle the hay bag to make sure they pop right back up on their feet at the thought of a treat! If she's behaving normally afterwards, I bet she was just caught in the middle of a nap!
My 3 always sleep in the open, they do have hidey houses but prefer to snooze where they can see what's going on I think - just in case an extra treat comes their way! I have to admit it alarmed me at first as they stretch right out and shut their eyes nearly completely but it just seems normal for mine. I do sometimes rustle something as Freela said just to make sure they are ok, but they just prefer to snooze in the open!
Also, this is completely random and in the wrong section, but can you mix Abyssinians with Skinny Pigs? :)

When you say mix, do you mean as in living with each other? My Sasha pig lives in a herd of 12 piggies and all the others are hairy including abys and many other breeds. I also have a skinny boar coming on Sunday and he will be living with an aby and a crested boar.
Our boys often chill out outside on the shavings, away from their den. I'm convinced they sometimes get too warm in their pigloos which are stuffed full of hay and have heat pads underneath!
I mean mix as in living with each other yes.Would be a funny little blighter to mix abyssinians with a skinny! Hahaha! May as well just either have a bald pig or a hairy one, no sense in breeding for a half and half! Hahaha.I just love Skinnys and I'm trying to convince my other half to have one, cheeky I know!
My two recently departed piggies both used to crash out in the open all the time, stretched out right next to the food bowl, they were under a counter top in the kitchen so think they felt safe as it was a bit like having their own giant cave
Mine have the run of the kitchen table and the contents of my fridge! Spend most of our time in the kitchen so made sense to keep them there. Just mega glad there isn.t anything wrong with sleeping out in the open, We feel quite privaleged she feels that comfortable
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