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Weird noise? (Urgent, please help)


New Born Pup
Mar 20, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

My 5-year-old piggy is making a weird noise and I'm unsure why (it's definitely not a cough or sneeze as I know what those sound like). It sounds like a strangled grunt/moan (a bit like crooning but definitely not the happy/contented kind - she sounds distressed). This noise doesn't last longer than a second and she's not making it constantly but she has bursts every few minutes where she makes the noise again and again every few seconds - infrequent but continuous. She sounds congested and in pain. I'm pretty certain she hasn't coughed or sneezed today and she definitely wasn't making any weird sounds yesterday - she's also been absolutely fine for the whole of this week, running around and pop corning all over the place. She seems lethargic and won't come out of her cage (she's hiding in her shelter area at the moment and has been for the last two or three hours), which is a worrying sign as she normally comes straight out and jumps out of the cage for a run and feeding-time. She ate the treat I gave her with gusto so isn't experiencing any appetite issues but she has been drinking more water than usual for the last three days which I thought was because the central heating's been on (she is in a very bright, airy, well-conditioned room though), but now I'm thinking it might be due to a health problem? There also seems to be more excrement in the toilet corner of her cage and her sister had Urinary Tract Infection (which she very sadly from died last year), so could it be this causing the trouble? She knows when to stop when eating and she has a pretty balanced diet but still...?

She wants to be left alone and is trying to lie down but seems to be struggling to get comfortable so she is obviously experiencing discomfort but I'm not sure where it's located. She hasn't been withdrawn like this since the first year we had her and in the last nine months her confidence has increased dramatically and up until now she's had a complete change of character. She's aloof and unresponsive and just wants to lie down in a quiet dark place 🙁

I will try to take a video/recording of her making the noise in question to give an idea of what the problem might be. (Will keep updates posted.)

I'm calling the vet right now. I really don't know what to do. Please help. Many thanks
P.S. She hasn't been out or wheeked at all today either 🙁 She's also normally in perfect health and has never experienced any illness in her life
I’m sorry your girl is unwell. Your best bet is to have her seen given the lethargy and not being her usual self, and the noise. Hope it’s nothing major.
I’m sorry to hear this.
You are doing the right thing in calling the vet now. Best not to leave this unchecked.

Switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily so you can more closely monitor hay intake and step in with syringe feeding if needed.

Let us know what the vet says. I hope she is ok
Just spoken to the vet. Advice is to change the bedding in her cage where possible and monitor her during the night (we are booked in for an emergency appointment for tomorrow morning) and see how it goes. Fingers crossed 🤞
UPDATE: Saw the vet yesterday who doesn't think she has UTI and didn't find evidence of parasites (which are both an enormous relief). Vet thinks that it's possible that she might just be reaching old age and she's just slowing down, as he gave her a thorough checkover and she doesn't appear to have any actual health issues. However as we know piggies can often hide their illness frustratingly well, so vet said to monitor her and come back immediately if she experienced any decline. Overjoyed to say that she had a good night's sleep and has been much brighter and more like her usual self this morning, i.e. coming out from her shelter, lifting up her nose and saying hello, eating normally 😌 Hopefully diagnosis is correct and she's just earned her Old Lady Pig badge now (if so I'm only going to add extra TLC to the 100% I always try to give her❤️) Thanks all!