Weird Hair Loss (not Sick)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
Hello, i hope I'm posting this is the correct place, I'm not really sure where to go with this. I was picking up my piggy a few days ago and felt a knot under his chin/ on his neck. it wasn't something i could brush out, it just felt like it would need to be cut off or washed out, which is weird because he doesn't really have long hair except on his booty and he's not dirty looking. I think maybe a piece of food got tangled when he was eating something because it felt hard. Today i went by his cage and saw the knot just laying around on the floor. i'm not sure how it got off of him, maybe he scratched it off. when i picked him up to look at his chin he had a huge bald spot right where the knot was. There's no blood, no scaring, he just looks like he had a tiny section of hair waxed off him. I've had guinea pigs for 3 years and have never seen something like this. Is it normal? i have a picture of the hair knot but i couldn't get the picture of the bald spot ( he's very wiggly and i only have 2 hands). And also a picture of him so you know his hair type.

ummm what?


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Hi I'd try posting in the health and illness section. An admin can move your post for you. In the meantime I am tagging @Wiebke for you as she may well know.
This does belong in the health and illness section, but I will give you advice anyway. He might not be sick now, but it could still be a sign of illness. Give it a day or two and monitor your piggie closely, making sure he/she is eating and drinking enough. If any more hair falls out, or they are behaving abnormally, take them to the vet. Hope this helped!
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