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weird breathing sound


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2023
Reaction score
I just woke up 10 minutes ago to my guinea pig tiny making a kind of wheezing hooting sound so I picked her up then as she was on my lap she sneezed and stopped making the sound. This exact thing happened roughly 5 months ago where she was making the sound we called the vet then she stopped.
The vet said that "something like a piece of hay dust probably got up her nose and then fell out that's why she stopped" so the vet said it wasn't critical, I don't remember if we actually ended up bringing her in but if we did nothing was wrong. I have a 3 day trip planned for The following days and am wondering if I should bring her in because last time I remember the vet saying I didn't have to.
A nasal sound which stops and clears with a sneeze usually is hay dust obstruction and nothing to be immediately worried about. The nasal passages in piggies are very narrow so any dust can become quite loud.
Check the hay you are using isn’t too dusty.

It’s if it doesn’t clear after a few hours, or if breathing becomes laboured or if the sound is coming from the chest rather than the nose, that you should be concerned.
Update: After the sound went away I stayed in the room and other weird breathing noises are coming back, then it went away again when I picked her up, and now I can hear it again while she is in her cage.
It can be tricky to tell sometimes. If you can figure out how to, share a video/sound e.g. Imgur app. We tend to err on the side of caution and get a vet check after some bad experiences. How is Tiny’s weight and general activity? Our Dobby sometimes makes odd noises but we’ve worked out that’s just how he is (first time we got him checked, by which time he’d stopped making the noise!).
She's 900g and generally pretty active they have a 5x2 cage so they have plenty of running room. But tiny is silly like that too, when I first got her I brought her in cause I thought she had an eye infection but turns out she just likes to squint her eyes alot.

I'm pretty sure the noise is gone, I remembered that i had accidentally sprayed some perfume in my room last night not thinking, she maybe be sensitive to that so I left my window open and turned both my fans on to try to get the smell out.
It can be tricky to tell sometimes. If you can figure out how to, share a video/sound e.g. Imgur app. We tend to err on the side of caution and get a vet check after some bad experiences. How is Tiny’s weight and general activity? Our Dobby sometimes makes odd noises but we’ve worked out that’s just how he is (first time we got him checked, by which time he’d stopped making the noise!).