Weird Behavior

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Oct 23, 2011
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I've had my guinea pig for about three weeks now... At first I tried to let her settle in and get adjusted before handling her in an attempt to prevent fear. I would simply reach in and only pet her for the first 3-4 days. Then I began picking her up and holding her. Now... when I reach in the cage she runs away from me and doesn't like to be petted or handled. She is constantly scared and I don't know what to do... I just want her to like me! HELP!

Also, any guinea pig related advise would be sooo great! She's my first one... I've read things about how they like to bite on wooden pieces and that they like cosy cavies and whatnot... I'm trying to find more information about how best to care for her!
Firstly, the most important bit of advice is she really shouldnt be kept alone. This will likely make her more scared of you (fear of the environment and no friend to cower with!)

second, she will likely always run away. Guinea pigs are prey animals, this is natural. (mine are 11 months and still run away, however once they are on my lap they love to be cuddled!)

Lastly, we have sections on this forum relating to different topics, at the top of each section are "stickys" these are full of information you might like to read. :)

Hope that helped
Hello and welcome to the forum. This is perfectly normal guinea pig behaviour. They are prey animals and to them being picked up means they are going to be eaten. Still pick her up each day to get used to you. I have had Peronel for three years and she runs like crazy to avoid being picked up. I pick her up anyway and once held she is fine. May I ask why you just have one guinea pig? Guinea pigs get very lonely on their own. They are not solitary animals. Having a female friend means she will be more confident too. The best way to do this would be to let her choose her own friend. Shelters allow you to do this.
Hi, welcome to the forum!

Piggies are naturally timid creatures and it can take weeks, even months for them to completely warm up to you and realise that you're not a scary monster!

Is she by herself? Guinea pigs are social animals and really need to be kept in same-sex pairs (or a neutered male with a female). A friend would really help her confidence!
Single pig

I was wondering about getting another one because as I've been reading I noticed that most people have more than one. What kind of shelters let you do that? I'm such a noob at this! I would love to get another one but I'm not sure if the cage is big enough and I would want to make sure that they get along...
Two piggies need a cage 2ft by 4ft in size, one piggy doesnt actualy need that much less. Where about are you? (just country and area will do) In the UK we have specific guinea pig rescues that will pair your piggy up with a friend she likes. :)
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