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Weird Behavior

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New Born Pup
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
My oldest gp Beans is acting every strangely. I came home to see him in his cage, lying down and then getting up, making a weird movement, itching himself, and laying back down. He only lays down for about 10 seconds before he gets back up again. He also isn't interested in treats or hay. Why does he keep itching?
Hi there- is your piggy eating at all? If not it is vital that you encourage him to eat by hand feeding at the very least. Guinea pigs cant survive with an empty stomach for long periods of time like we can.

Its hard to tell from your description if he is just very itchy or disorientated/uncoordinated? I would recommend a vet visit either way to rule out any parasitic/fungal issues or anything more serious.

Again, it is vital that he eats so if you cant tempt him then it is important to step in with syringe feeding until he sees the vet. here is a guide to help you do this safely.

Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

I hope he gets better soon x
My oldest gp Beans is acting every strangely. I came home to see him in his cage, lying down and then getting up, making a weird movement, itching himself, and laying back down. He only lays down for about 10 seconds before he gets back up again. He also isn't interested in treats or hay. Why does he keep itching?

Hi and welcome!

If your guinea pig is not eating or drinking, please start weighing him daily at the same time in the feeding cycle, ideally either before or after his dinner, instead of just once weekly. Step in with syringe feeding as son as a guinea pig has lost 50g/2 oz. Hay should make up to 80% of the daily food intake.
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

It sounds like there is some pain/discomfort/painful/itching that is coming up and that is possibly interfering with his appetite as well. Please see a vet promptly if it is getting worse.

Keep an eye out for mange mites coming up (the bald patches develop from scratching and biting the painful skin, typically in the middle of the back,so they are not yet present in the very early stages), but please do NOT treat them with a low dosed broad spectrum shop product on spec - you can can make things much worse. An acutely affected guinea pig needs proper good quality treatment; by treating on spec at home, you will also prevent a vet from stepping in straight away with a high dosed product. Please be aware that we can only hazard a guess, but not diagnose.

You also need to treat any other guinea pigs in contact. A full mites course consists of 3-4 rounds of an ivermectin product, given at the interval specified by the brand. A very badly affected guinea pig would do best on a course of injections.

As we have got members from all over the world, you can help us a lot by adding your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice to what is available and doable where you are instead of keeping it general. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Thank you for your help. Unfortunately he passed away this morning
I am ever so sorry! What a nasty shock for you! :(

You are welcome to post a tribute in our Rainbow Bridge section if and whenever it feels right for you.

Here are tips on what you can do for his companion: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
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