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New Born Pup
Nov 12, 2014
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advice needed. I have two three year old boar guineas. One is thriving but the other, a Dalmatian, is very low weight. I can get him to 800g if I really feed him up. I never weighed them previously as just went by eye but noticed a few months back that his weight had dropped significantly. Pepper has always been the weaker of the two. They were treated for mites at a year old although pepper was showing no symptoms, sooty was not. He also had a seizure which the vet said can be triggered by mites? His coat is not a glossy as sootys but Apart from that he has been fine. Eats well, active, vocal. He has a good diet but wondered is could be lacking something. They are currently in the shed at night and on the lawn on good days as still quite mild. Wondering if I should bring them in though. I don't get any answers from vets so hoping for some help here.
Personally I prefer my piggies to live indoors, so they're warmer and I can keep an eye on them for illness.

I'd suggest going to a more guinea pig savvy vet as weight loss could be caused by many things, from tooth issues, to bloat...

Some piggies are naturally smaller than others. I had one that ate like a pig and weighed 900g maximum. He was fit and healthy all of his life. But weight loss is another thing.
teeth have been checked. All fine there. I've just bought them indoors as he is very quiet today. I've booked an appt with the vet but again I'm sure I will come away none the wiser
Could you update your location on your profile as it will help us help you better.

I am wondering about fungal, it would explain the fitting and his coat. Many vets will automatically assume it is mites when it can actually be fungal or a combination of the 2. Have a look on our recommended vets locator to see if there is a more savvy vet you can take him to.

There are many other possibilities too which a good vet should be able to go through with you.

It is possible that he is just a small pig though, some are.

I would also get the vet to check his heart.
I would bring them in if you can as it will enable you to monitor him better.
they are in now. I think his breathing is more rapid/heavier than his brother but wondered if noticeable because he's so thin. I will mention his heart and fungal to the vet today.
advice needed. I have two three year old boar guineas. One is thriving but the other, a Dalmatian, is very low weight. I can get him to 800g if I really feed him up. I never weighed them previously as just went by eye but noticed a few months back that his weight had dropped significantly. Pepper has always been the weaker of the two. They were treated for mites at a year old although pepper was showing no symptoms, sooty was not. He also had a seizure which the vet said can be triggered by mites? His coat is not a glossy as sootys but Apart from that he has been fine. Eats well, active, vocal. He has a good diet but wondered is could be lacking something. They are currently in the shed at night and on the lawn on good days as still quite mild. Wondering if I should bring them in though. I don't get any answers from vets so hoping for some help here.
sometimes weight loss can mean lack of vitamin C :)
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