Weight of a 3 Months Old Guinea Pig


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 13, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I have a 3-month-old guinea pig, I recently weighed her and she is 340g. Can anyone please advise? Is this considered underweight?

Only a vet can tell you for sure, but my slimmest piggy weighed about 390g at 12 weeks and she did look and feel a bit bony. I would say a vet check is best if you are worried your piggy isnt gaining weight.
Do you weigh her at least weekly? If she was a tiny baby she might be gaining weight normally, but I think you should see a steady increase of anything from 10-50g every week though... and are you sure about her age? We think somebody lied or got confused about our little boar's age, he could be 4 weeks younger than we thought so he was classed as underweight when we first took him for a vet check...
Vets first, then a piggy weight diary I would suggest!
She could be the runt of the litter @Gerty1224. It took Dennis exactly 2 years to top the scales at 1000g. Unfortunately I lost the weight book which had all the baby weights in :( so I can't tell you what he weighed at 3 months.
Mine is also three months old. Mine is about 250-300g so yours is not underweight. Here is a pic of him:681B9205-B430-4392-B837-8AE69398864E.webp
Thank you everyone for all your advices:) I bought her from a well know pet shop. They said her birthday is the 5th of May 2018. I haven’t been weighing her weekly as I didn’t think it was necessary as it is my first time with a guinea pig. I will start to weigh her weekly now and updated you guys if she still hasn’t put on any weight? May I know if there is any foods that I shouldn’t give her as she’s still young? So far I have given her Alfafa Hay, Timothy hay, pellets and some fresh veggies like carrot (once a week), lettuce and wheatgrass.

Once again thanks everyone 😁