New Born Pup
Our guinea pig going off her estimated adoption age she will be approximately 4 years old in April. We’ve had her and her sister nearly a year in that time. In there indoor enclosure is 1/3 fleece liners and 2/3 Aubiose.
I have photos to add but haven't managed to upload them on here. When i click on insert image it asks for a URL
Weight Loss
Looking at her weights over the past 10 months she’s sometimes weighed just over a kilo around midday and once in September she weighed 875g but then the next week it was back in the 900g range. But on average she’s sat around 950g give or take 20g
I have attached her weekly weights for the past 3 months to provide a snapshot.
She’s mostly been weighed at midday. When she’s been weighed around 09:00 It’s been highlighted in yellow.
As you can see towards the end of February she’s in the 800g range.
Daily Diet for our 2:
She has been eating and drinking and pop-corning and running around like normal.
Both girls seemed less enthusiastic about their pellets in recent weeks leaving about 5 or so a day. I’ve heard good things about Piggie Parcels Urinary and Joint Pellets so will try them on a sample and if they like it I’ll switch them to that.
Just the weight loss was my concern and I’d noticed a bit more white staining on the fleece which I normally don’t see often. I was unsure who it was coming from.
So due to her weight loss I took her to the vet.
Vet Visit 1
Medication Prescribed After Vet Visit 1:
Vet Visit 3
Medication Continued After Vet Visit 3:
It seems the vet believes she could have a UTI/ cystitis. Not sure if that can cause weight loss?
Fortunately I haven’t seen any blood physically in the enclosure and I spot clean twice daily. She’s never hunched when urinating or vocalised when urinating.
Between Vet Visit 2 and Vet Visit 3 which was a week apart her weight at the vets hadn’t changed much so the exotic vet was not concerned.
However given how her weight used to be comfortably in the 900g/ 950g range, I am concerned. She was weighed today for example and she was 838g at 10:30.
My Questions
I have photos to add but haven't managed to upload them on here. When i click on insert image it asks for a URL
Weight Loss
Looking at her weights over the past 10 months she’s sometimes weighed just over a kilo around midday and once in September she weighed 875g but then the next week it was back in the 900g range. But on average she’s sat around 950g give or take 20g
I have attached her weekly weights for the past 3 months to provide a snapshot.
She’s mostly been weighed at midday. When she’s been weighed around 09:00 It’s been highlighted in yellow.
As you can see towards the end of February she’s in the 800g range.
Daily Diet for our 2:
- 85% meadow hay: Large hay pile and fresh handfuls throughout the day
- 1 TbSp Selective Naturals Grain Free Grain Free Pellets each
- 1.5 TbSp Dried Forage each of Rosewood Naturals Fields of Gold
- 50g of fresh veg each : 12.5g of high calcium veg once a week get 25g each of yellow pepper a day
- Water Bottle and Water Bowl: Filtered Water
She has been eating and drinking and pop-corning and running around like normal.
Both girls seemed less enthusiastic about their pellets in recent weeks leaving about 5 or so a day. I’ve heard good things about Piggie Parcels Urinary and Joint Pellets so will try them on a sample and if they like it I’ll switch them to that.
Just the weight loss was my concern and I’d noticed a bit more white staining on the fleece which I normally don’t see often. I was unsure who it was coming from.
So due to her weight loss I took her to the vet.
Vet Visit 1
- Mouth was checked there was no food inside, vet said that was strange
- She urinated at the vets so a sample was taken for analysis: Crystals were seen and blood identified under a microscope
- X-ray showed mineralisation in the dorsal wall of the bladder 2mm by 1mm no sign of a stone. Everything else appeared normal
- Blood Work: All values normal
Medication Prescribed After Vet Visit 1:
- Co- Trimoxazole 14 day course: Due to blood in urine sample in case of infection
- Metacam 7 Day Course
- Potassium Citrate
- Supplement Feed: 8mls per feed, 2 feeds a day mushed pellets with water as she has appetite and is eating and drinking as normal
Vet Visit 3
- Ultrasound showed the same mineralisation in the dorsal wall of the bladder. Vet believes this is an area of previous damage/ inflammation or infection. Crystals could be seen in bladder. Ovaries appeared small and not cystic and kidneys appeared normal
Medication Continued After Vet Visit 3:
- Co- Trimoxazole Antibiotic: Advised to finish 14 day course in case of UTI/ Bacterial Cystitis
- Potassium Citrate: Advised to give long term
- Advised I can give her the mushed pellets with water for extra hydration or give a slice of cucumber instead for hydration
It seems the vet believes she could have a UTI/ cystitis. Not sure if that can cause weight loss?
Fortunately I haven’t seen any blood physically in the enclosure and I spot clean twice daily. She’s never hunched when urinating or vocalised when urinating.
Between Vet Visit 2 and Vet Visit 3 which was a week apart her weight at the vets hadn’t changed much so the exotic vet was not concerned.
However given how her weight used to be comfortably in the 900g/ 950g range, I am concerned. She was weighed today for example and she was 838g at 10:30.
My Questions
- Given my weights for her have previously been around midday if I switch to daily weigh ins should that be around midday or earlier in the morning?
- Potassium Citrate is that useful to continue long term?
- As she still is eating and drinking as normal and acting herself in regard to her weight do I need to start giving her mashed pellets with water or does she need Emeraid Critical Care or just monitor?