New Born Pup
Hello there. I am seeking advice regarding my 3 year old Abyssinian Ophelia. Ophelia weighed around 953g in Sept 2021. I noticed she was losing some weight and so I bought a scale a month ago and she was around 860g. I immediately scheduled a vet appointment and by the time I got her into the vet she was staying around 830g. The vet said she overall looked very healthy, but found that her gut motility was a bit slower than it should be and thought that she could be dealing with an overgrowth of bad bacteria in her gut, so prescribed some antibiotics which I put her on for 14 days, she just ended them on Friday. Ophelia was steadily gaining weight the first week to around 880g, then dropped back to 850g for a few days, and most recently increased again to a high of 897g yesterday. Today, she is 818g (the lowest she has been). Throughout I've noticed huge fluctuations from day to day, sometimes increasing or losing 40-70g seemingly overnight. Throughout everything she has been acting very normal-- she is eating, excited about food, drinking, playing, and pooping and peeing. I've noticed her feces have been going between being normal to being larger and clumpier and crumblier to back to normal again. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts or advice on these symptoms-- she is definitely still eating a relatively normal amount for her and her cagemate is not having any problems. As I said she is acting totally normal but her weight seems to be fluctuating a lot and I am concerned by the sudden weight loss given that yesterday she reached a high of 897 and today is 818. I have her on the books for an exotics vet in early March (the soonest appt I could get) and if she continues losing weight tomorrow I will get her in with my small animal vet again. Any advice or any known issues that could be causing this as it isn't related to how much she is eating?