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Weight Loss of 100 Grams When Extremely Hungry

A Guinea Pig

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Colorado, United States
Before reading this, please don’t get onto me for being a bad owner, this happened a while before I joined the forum and everything is okay now.

So I got sick (not covid luckily) awhile back and was out from work three days just because I felt so badly. Since I was not able to do anything but eat Ramen and sleep, the guinea pigs were not being taken care of. I feel horrible for this, but they might not of had food (they had water) for a bit ☹️. They were so hungry that they at the bottom part of their Guinea Dad fleece 😭. The morning I woke up I found this and I immediately gave them hay and all the veggies they wanted. They are totally fine now, but I still feel guilty of letting this happen.

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The point to this was post was to show that the weight of a hungry guinea pig who as not eaten anything in a certain amount of time will have a very low weight.

Previous week: 860 grams

Weight after the incident: 740 grams

The weight of a guinea pig with a completely empty stomach can lose more than 100 grams. If someone finds their guinea pig who has suddenly lost 100 grams they need to see a vet and be syringe fed because they could be extremely hungry and have not eaten a sufficient amount of time.

I am pretty sure the average weight fluctuates between 30 - 40 grams in a day so that could be bladder and stomach half full. This was both of these things empty.

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If they were actually sick and they lost weight this quickly they would have been at the veterinarian a while ago, I know this could have serious hurt them but they have acted fine ever since.

If I am saying information that is incorrect please, please, please tell me I am wrong and what would be accurate.

Again, I am sorry this happened, but it is interesting to learn.
I think this can happen to anyone. I'm the primary person who makes sure all 5 of my Guinea Pigs needs are taken care of, and they're overall happy and healthy. I'm lucky that when I'm sick my wife and kids take over looking after their cages since they're three cages to clean. I have bad back problems, and when I throw out my back I can be bed ridden for 3 days. Some people don't have others they can rely on, and so it's good plan for moments in our lives where we might not be able to take care of our pets needs. I usually never talk like this but I think you're brave for sharing.