Forum Donator 2023/24
I have two piggies slowly loosing weight with one of the two having randomly dropped 70g this week. I'm going to try and sort a vet trip if there's no improvement at tomorrow mornings reweigh. 923g is very small for her as she used to be way over 1.1kg though has been more round the 1.05kg mark recently. She is 3 so neither young nor old. She's had an ovariectomy in Jan 2020 and a uri in February 21 but otherwise usually healthy. My elderly cat is booked for a pts tomorrrow at 12 and my exotics vet is doing it (carparked ) so I'm going to contact them in the morning and see if theres any chance they can see nugget at the same time (but will understand if not) if there's no gain in the morning (hoping it's just scale gremlins). Flower is 16 months and her weight loss is gradual from 800g to 704g over 2 months but she's always been small and its so gradual it's less concerning. if there's no improvement in the morning I am going to see if she can also have a check booked in at some point. How strange and how absolutely terrible timing. Really hope this is just a one off and there's improvement in the morning.