Hi I’ve read about weight fluctuations and can kind of gauge what is normal, I think lol. My mind is not working correctly, I’ve had lots going on with emergencies dealing with other animals the last couple of weeks but still have been watching my pigs weight. She is an older pig, 6+ years old, known cyst on left ovary, suspected hernia on the right side, is still eating unlimited hay, Science Selective Guinea Pig food, has an Oxbow Vitamin C daily and an occasional Oxbow Apple biscuit treat here and there. She sometimes gets veggies but that’s a couple times a week thing because they tend to constipate her and I’m wondering if that is due to the hernia. Anyway, for awhile her weight was around 2.12 or so lbs and then last month it was down to around 2.11 and then last week 2.10 and today 2.98. I have a habit of weighing more like every few days vs weekly, I get very paranoid with my animals because even had very bad luck with them getting ill and passing away. Anyway is this cause for concern? I realize she’s older but do they lose weight as elderly pigs?