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Weight fluctuation?


New Born Pup
Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
My female guinea pig's average weight is a little over 1050 grams. Because I have OCD, I admit I weigh her too much. Yesterday I weighed her, her highest was 1038, and her lowest was 1010 (yes, I weighed several times throughout the day). Seemed weird, so I decided to weigh again today. Lowest was 1001, highest was 1048, but that was 10 seconds after she finished eating lettuce (she gained 47 grams from the lettuce). I was watching her eat hay for a while, and weighed her before and after eating. She didn't gain any weight at all from eating, 1026 each time. Even weirder. Then right before I put her back in her cage, I saw she had peed a good amount, dropping her back to 1005 or so. Which means that the 1026 was with a FULL bladder, and after eating hay, which means a minimum of 30 gram and possibly a 50 gram loss from her normal (same time of day, too). Behaviorally, she seems pretty normal, and always seems to be wheeking for more veggies. I am thinking of waiting to see what she weighs tomorrow, if this trend continues, her lowest might actually dip below 1000 tomorrow, at which point I would probably take her in, but I don't think I will be able to afford the tests needed to confirm the problem. I think she has ovarian cysts and mild mites, but it seems weird that would be a problem all of a sudden.
So I guess my question is: has this ever happened to anyone's guinea pig where the weight rebounded on its own? Her poops are relatively normal, but if she weren't eating enough hay, wouldn't the poops be smaller or softer?

The daily weight swing over the course of 24 hours is about 30-40g, depending on how full the gut and bladder are (just the difference between a full and and empty bladder is 10g and most of the body of a guinea pig is filled by their gut). Because of that, we only talk of weight loss when there is more of difference of 50g; your weights are still within the 'normal weight weight swings' band.

Please weigh any healthy piggies only once weekly at the same time in the feeding cycle (like first thing in the morning) because the more often you weigh, the more the weight will jump around.
I have had piggies that have rebounded from losing 150-200g in the wake of a serious illness/emergency operation but a survivable weight loss can be even more, so you are not anywhere near near any dangerous levels. ;)
Here is more information on weighing and weight: Weight - Monitoring and Management

Or delegate the weighing and healths check to a partner, family member or friend.
You can find more practical tips to help you enjoy your pets and not just worry about them in this link here: Pet Owners Anxiety - Practical Tips For Sufferers and For Supporters
We recommend that, unless there are other symptoms, to weigh piggies just once a week in the same point in the feeding cycle. As well as countering for a full/empty bladder you also have a full/empty stomach affecting weights. Unfortunately weighing every day, multiple times a day without any other symptoms indicating ill health is likely to further fuel any anxiety you are having.

First I would check her heft rather than just the weight in grams. The heft will tell you more about whether her current weight is a healthy weight, it could be that she could afford to drop a few grams if she were on the bigger side but the heft will tell you for definite Weight - Monitoring and Management

Are there any signs of health problems other than weight fluctuations? Any hair loss, excessive scratching, puffing up, squeaking when urinating/popping, scratches/wounds, reluctance to move/sitting in own urine?
No. Although, today, she didn't finish her treat like she usually does. Sometimes she does lose interest but usually will end up finishing it, so a little weird. However, when she got bored she went right back to eating hay, so maybe she just wasnt in the mood. It just seems weird that she has fluctuated 50 grams in the last few days (usually around 1053 in mid afternoon, now anywhere from 1005 to 1026 in mid afternoon). She does have probable ovarian cysts, and I believe she has a very mild case of mites (she scratches and will chew at her hind side sometimes, but happy and no balding spots), but the only 2 exotic vets in the area are now charging like 101 dollars just for the visit, which seemed exorbitant for things that weren't causing major issues at the time.
No. Although, today, she didn't finish her treat like she usually does. Sometimes she does lose interest but usually will end up finishing it, so a little weird. However, when she got bored she went right back to eating hay, so maybe she just wasnt in the mood. It just seems weird that she has fluctuated 50 grams in the last few days (usually around 1053 in mid afternoon, now anywhere from 1005 to 1026 in mid afternoon). She does have probable ovarian cysts, and I believe she has a very mild case of mites (she scratches and will chew at her hind side sometimes, but happy and no balding spots), but the only 2 exotic vets in the area are now charging like 101 dollars just for the visit, which seemed exorbitant for things that weren't causing major issues at the time.

Please read my previous post and read the links in my post.
I think I am also extra cautious because I feel like the hay has gone down less than usual, and usually by this time of day she would have finished her pellets and there is still a little left. She is a solo guinea pig, she lost her companion a few weeks ago, so I have been very vigilant for any possible behavioral changes that are just really delayed. She never showed any signs of caring her friend was gone, so I feel like deep down there must be some sadness that could manifest any time.
You can’t judge the hay intake by eye, hence weighing once a week to make sure they’re eating enough. I would try and stop the weighing daily. Go back to once a week - same time of day in the routine, and same day each week. For example mine are weighed Saturday mornings before topping up the hay.

The other thing is that pellets are a small part of their diet (5%). Is her bowl always topped up or she gets just the teaspoon? If she doesn’t finish them it’s okay.

I’m sorry that you lost your other piggy. Are you looking to get her a companion? They really do need friends of their own kind. The other thing is sometimes piggies know when their friends are ill and close to the rainbow. So they can oftentimes grieve before we realise what’s going on.

I know they are just words - please try not to weigh multiple times daily. You can’t compare these numbers because you will see a lot of fluctuations in the general trend. Try to enjoy her and her antics.

Lastly, was it a doctor that suspected ovarian cysts and mites? How old is your girl?
Months ago they said she might have them but said it might just be gas, but another vet a while later said he also felt something there, so probably not just gas. The mites is my personal opinion because she sometimes scratches or chews at her side, but no visible lice. I am not looking to get her a companion. She is about four and a half. But I am definitely not getting any more. I would have been willing to consider surrender to a rescue, but most of the ones in my state don't take surrenders from the public. She seems happy though, she really never hung out much with my other guinea pig anyway, maybe she's fine as a solo.
Lice are very fast, but they are visible if you can look fast enough. Mites are not big enough to see with the naked eye, so you'd be looking for evidence to indicate their presence; a vet would be able to check for either.
If you're going to keep her as a solo, you will need to interact with her a lot, as piggies are social animals; they do get lonely and will crave interaction. Even another piggy in a different cage can make a huge difference to many piggies, as some of the interaction is just seeing, hearing, and talking to another piggy. Not having seen physical interaction or closeness does not mean that your piggy did not enjoy her companion's company.
Think about it as if you are your piggy ... you don't want to be alone all the time; another species' companion ship helps, but it's not the same as another person. You spending time with your piggy is the equivalent of your piggy having a pet ... another piggy is their friend or family.
If you think shd is in any discomfort from mites or potential ovarian cysts, then please have her seen by a vet.

I agree with above though, seemingly not interacting with another piggy when they were together does not mean they didn’t get on and that she is happier alone (single piggies go into survival mode, they simply have to get on with life).
My two never share a hide, only really come together to eat but they are well bonded and happy together. Interaction between two guinea pigs is so much more than just being next to each other - sight (body language), sound, smell - they will be interacting in ways we cannot necessarily pick up on without them being right next to each other.