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weight again...

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Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Vale of Glamorgan
I was reading on Janes28 post and I didn't want to start asking questions as it was her post....i was thinking about weight issues when i got home so i weighed all of the babies and they are all at 2.01 which seems quite high seeing as they are only 5 months - mine get the same amount of veg as Jane28 and supa excel dry food and hay and a handful of grass everyday - i try and vary the veg, but my bf said I should ask seeing as they are only young whether they are too heavy for their age? they go in the runs every night about 1 1/2 hours as i have to do two lots of run time, but most of the time they don't run around, they are quite leisurely and just lay there whilst eating hay - i put in tubes, bridges so they can run around and through them. When I was off last week, they were getting about 4/5 hours in the run..
wales1000 said:
Ok thanks for the reply, puts my mind at ease as I was getting a bit worried!

sorry I was also going to say the weight seems mostly on their sides - did a thorough health check before i went to bed, checked all over their bodies and trimmed their nails too, though as they have dark nails you can't see where to trim too, so i tend to just trim off the edges every couple of weeks.
It is difficult if they have dark toe-nails because as you say, you just can't see the "quick" i.e. the blood line running along it.

Mine always make a fuss having their toe-nails cut!

My piggy, who lives alone, has a huge tummy which sticks out each side. I have checked her over for lumps and bumps, but she is fine. Not too heavy either, just has a big tummy!
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