Weighing Guinea Pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2019
Reaction score
How do I weigh my guinea pigs? First I tried using a hidey but they move to much then I tried putting them in a bowl but they just jump right out!
Orca said she would like to model her 'weigh in day' pose! Put a few dandelions to the side of the scales if they're flat ones like mine, that way they don't put their heads & front feet over the top of the display! :))
They'll also stay still.... Just that little bit longer!


Good luck xx
I think it's a matter of finding the right bowl. The one I use is curved all the way around and quite deep, so they don't have the purchase to jump out. Plus I can put my hands over them to keep them in. IMG_20190624_204835.webp
Good thread! We had been using a mixing bowl with the scales..will be interesting to see how the new ladies fare with that..if not I will need to buy a new pair of boots for another box..(ahem..:D)