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wee stains

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
Prescot, Merseyside
My little boy piggy who's almost 14 wks old had been leaving brownish stains where he's weeing...could it be blood or something less sinister.Ive took the hay out of his bedroom in case he'd been pricked by it. There's plenty of hay in his hutch) He's sleeping on towels with a layer of kitchen roll on it. There have been brown patches on this as well. This only seems to have happened since I've separated him from his sister.
he might have a UTI (a urine tract infection) which would need a trip to the vets
i suggest taking them both to the vet to make sure they are in perfect health even if it is just to ease your mind, especially if you fear the brother got his sister pregnant. sending hugs and healing vibes and hope all goes well :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
They were both at the vets for a general check up 2weeks ago.(that's how I found out that smudge was a boy) & she said they were both in 'tip top condition' I'm going to check his bedding again when I get home from work tonight & if its stained again I'll ring for an appointment. Smudge is such a cutie...he hasn't gone off his food so that's a good sign infact he's put on an ounce since Sunday.
how old were the brother and sister when they were seperated?
They were 11 weeks old when I separated them....The vet thought we may have caught them early enough though reading others on the forum maybe not.... he's very subdued at the moment.don't know if its because he's missing Coco or if he's in pain.....Taking him to the vets tomorrow morning
good luck at the vets. maybe you can use something like a cooling rack and cable tie it to the cage and half the cage so they can still see and smell eachother but can't get to eachother. make it the height of the cage as piggies can jump and climb and cable tie it tightly and make sure they can't get to eachother. this will lessen boredom and depression. O0 hope all goes well at the vet, keep us posted O0 sending hugs to you, coco and boy piggy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
I've been holding them together in my arms twice a day so at least they can snuggle up together the noises they make are sooooo cute.they try to trample each other at first then they just snuggle up & have a doze.Smudge usually ends up peeing on me & boy does it pong. Coco is much more polite & waits till I put her back into the hutch. I have also let them have a run around the garden where they chase each other...Usually Coco chases Smudge then when he turns around to chase her she hides behind me so he can't get at her. such a tease ! My son (who's 8) thinks I'm cruel that I won't let them get together to have babies. I've tried explaining that there are lots of guineas about that people don't want to look after without adding to them, though I doubt he wouldn't want to part with any if she did get caught & we'd end up with loads within a few months !!
Just to let everyone know that smudge has got cystitis & he's been given antibiotics for 7 days. If anyone knows any foods that can help him please let me know
There are not really any foods that will help,but give lots of water by syringe to keep the bladder flushed through.What antibiotic is he on?.
I am afraid that is useless.Septrin is the drug of choice for UTIs ,Baytril may work but I prefer to get the infection knocked out quickly because it could spread to the kidneys.

In any case the dose rate of 0.1ml per day of Baytril is far to low to do any good.The piggy needs 0.4mls twice a day for 7 days.
the vet worked out the dose by smudges weight...he's 500g at the moment. If he's no better in a few days I'll take him back & ask for septrin. He's not off his food & he doesn't make any noise when he wees....also not all his wees are blood stained. When the vet pressed on his bladder he didn't squeal as she expected him to if he'd had an infection.She put him on the antibiotics as a precaution. Its all very odd.
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