as rocky has passed away :-(
anyway when i was making enquiries as to available young boars for rolo, a swe don;t want him to pine, somone said to me about how it would be better getting rolo speyed an dgetting a female as boys don't bond.
now i am sure i have read many times that an elder boar (rolo is about 2- 2 1/2 year) will usually accept a baby boar, it is only an older boar that they tend to be funny with. so i just wanted to check as i don;t really wnat to put rolo through an unecessary operation, especially not after the week i;ve had with sadie (bun post spey) and rocky (guineapig passing away).
i wondered what experiences other people have had when bonding a recently bereaved boar with a baby boar? please share these experiences with me, and also if you have picked up any tips along the way. thanks.
i have to say it feels very weird losing rocky and straight away looking for a new piggie, but i know that it is what is best for rolo.
anyway when i was making enquiries as to available young boars for rolo, a swe don;t want him to pine, somone said to me about how it would be better getting rolo speyed an dgetting a female as boys don't bond.
now i am sure i have read many times that an elder boar (rolo is about 2- 2 1/2 year) will usually accept a baby boar, it is only an older boar that they tend to be funny with. so i just wanted to check as i don;t really wnat to put rolo through an unecessary operation, especially not after the week i;ve had with sadie (bun post spey) and rocky (guineapig passing away).
i wondered what experiences other people have had when bonding a recently bereaved boar with a baby boar? please share these experiences with me, and also if you have picked up any tips along the way. thanks.
i have to say it feels very weird losing rocky and straight away looking for a new piggie, but i know that it is what is best for rolo.