we will soon be bonding

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May 4, 2008
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as rocky has passed away :-(

anyway when i was making enquiries as to available young boars for rolo, a swe don;t want him to pine, somone said to me about how it would be better getting rolo speyed an dgetting a female as boys don't bond.

now i am sure i have read many times that an elder boar (rolo is about 2- 2 1/2 year) will usually accept a baby boar, it is only an older boar that they tend to be funny with. so i just wanted to check as i don;t really wnat to put rolo through an unecessary operation, especially not after the week i;ve had with sadie (bun post spey) and rocky (guineapig passing away).

i wondered what experiences other people have had when bonding a recently bereaved boar with a baby boar? please share these experiences with me, and also if you have picked up any tips along the way. thanks.

i have to say it feels very weird losing rocky and straight away looking for a new piggie, but i know that it is what is best for rolo.
I am a newbie here so don't have any experience or wisdom to share, sorry. But very sorry for your loss... hope Rolo will be ok.
I'm so sorry Rocky didn't make it.

An adult boar's best chances of bonding are with a baby boar (as young as possible) and we've had good success here with those sorts of pairings. Some rescues will let you take the pig to meet a friend, as it's very dependent on personalities!

Good luck with your search

You can always try and bond an older boar with a young one.

It would be st, if you could find a rescue where you could take Rolo with you for "road testing", as a relationship built on mutual sympathy is more likely to be stable.

Here is a list of rescues: http://www.guineapigrehome.org.uk/gp/centres.asp Ring up any within reach and go for the one with the most "candidates" first!

I am so sorry that you lost Rocky (have posted on his thread); I know how hard it is with a pining piggy! Wishing you the best of luck in your search!
I have paired boars with babies in the past, successfully & unsuccessfully. However, the unsuccessful pairing was due to the temperament of the older boar, he did choose his baby & was fine for approx 6wks but he was a bully & had been a bully from almost birth!
He has since been neutered & has ladies but this was a last resort & i only did it because he craved the company of other piggies.

I have recently had to split a pair of boars due to fighting & both have been successfully bonded with babies. Rolo is an older boy & sounds like he needs the company of another piggy; the chances of successfully bonding him to a baby are extremely high & much safer than having him neutered.

There are many people on here who have boys in pairs & some have trios. I have, in the past, successfully had a group of 4 boars who all lived happily together :)

Good Luck in your search, i hope Rolo finds his baby & don't forget the pics :))
thanks everyone.

i have obtained a 12 week old boy, whom i have named caramac, and have sucessfully managed to bond him with rolo.

i think th efact that rolo was still grieving perhaps helped and made him more receptive.

i showered then together initially, and even before the shower was turned on they were grooming each other in th ebath tub.

rolo is very protective of his new friend, in fact i think he thinks he has become a daddy.

he sits there with his head on him,a nd if i pick him up my every move is watched by a close parental eye. caramac on the other hand follows rolo about, and follows what his dad does (ie eats when he does etc).

they've had two nights together so far as rolo was extremely withdrawn on monday so i didnt want to leave him too long without.

i will get some pictures later and post them.
thanks everyone.

i have obtained a 12 week old boy, whom i have named caramac, and have sucessfully managed to bond him with rolo.

i think th efact that rolo was still grieving perhaps helped and made him more receptive.

i showered then together initially, and even before the shower was turned on they were grooming each other in th ebath tub.

rolo is very protective of his new friend, in fact i think he thinks he has become a daddy.

he sits there with his head on him,a nd if i pick him up my every move is watched by a close parental eye. caramac on the other hand follows rolo about, and follows what his dad does (ie eats when he does etc).

they've had two nights together so far as rolo was extremely withdrawn on monday so i didnt want to leave him too long without.

i will get some pictures later and post them.

Lovely news, i'm dead chuffed for Rolo & his new pal :)
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