We have an angry Pepper


Forum Donator 2022/23
May 21, 2020
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Pepper has been worked up since this afternoon, he was jumping Pringles face and after about an hour of this I put him in the play pen for time out, put them back together and it carried on, left him for a bit but took Pringle out for a break.

We put them back together and he was straight back at it, so we left him again but have had to pull him out again as it’s so warm it’s not fair on Pringle.

He seems very worked up and angry, breathing heavily and squeaking a lot which is unlike him, he won’t sit still pacing around the play pen charging around and flipping stuff over, is he just been a bit hormonal do we think?

Pigture of the angry boy! 8FBCA2B6-74A6-44EA-8B15-68DCF9C89297.webp
Oh dear. Poor boys. Maybe he is too hot? Or hormonal (not sure of his age). In pain? Whatever it is I hope he calms down soon.
Oh dear. Poor boys. Maybe he is too hot? Or hormonal (not sure of his age). In pain? Whatever it is I hope he calms down soon.
The AC has been on all day in their room and they have their ice packs, but I am guessing it is something to do with the heat. Could pain make him go nuts?! I’ve tried to have him out on my knee but he was having none of it!
If Pepper is normally the boss, then maybe he is feeling better and asserting his authority? Sometimes when one boar has been poorly they accept subtle dominance behaviour from the underpig, but once they are feeling better they often put them back in their place?
Or it could be he’s fed up with the hot weather or a hormone spike or both
Hope he calms down very soon x
He is the boss yes, Pringle is super chilled but maybe Pepper thinks he need to asssert himself!
He’s really not very happy never heard him wheek so much! He won’t sit still!
I put them back together but it started to get scrappy so they have been separated again, think we will need to leave them apart all night and try a rebound on neutral space tomorrow 😕
Just a thought, they had their cage cleaned earlier and I put the liner in that I used with Ralph, could it be his scent hasn’t washed off it?
This could definitely be the problem.
A clean cage is upsetting in itself (more so to certain piggies) but if he thinks he smells another male this may be making him angry and anxious.

I would be tempted to take anything out that could be upsetting him and starting from scratch again.
Do you still have any of their soiled liners you could replace it with and see if this helps him calm down?
Just a thought, they had their cage cleaned earlier and I put the liner in that I used with Ralph, could it be his scent hasn’t washed off it?
That could well be it 👍 Have you got anything that smells of both boys lying around then wipe any clean fleece Items so it smells of both boys
I have just made a pen on the floor, a fresh liner, and just added two open beds from the washing, he is still humping him but it’s not getting as scrappy, as I have them on the floor it’s much easier to intervene. I hope he calms down soon!
I spoke to soon he is carrying on no teeth on show just a lot of jumping and kicking your think he would be bored by now
Oh Pepper! What on earth has happened to make you such an angry boy? Hope you calm down soon.
Okay we seem to have calm, he has stopped Atleast 20 mins ago! That was a tiering afternoon/ evening, they have a temporary cage on the floor this evening and fresh bedding to go in their cage tomorrow morning!
Hopefully they stayed calm after that. It may be Ralph’s scent. Hopefully it’ll be sorted and he’ll calm down soon. It’s good that Pringle is laid back.
Interesting about clean cage. Just cleaned out this morning but I always leave a bit of old hay etc .

I'm away for 4 days and my wife nervous about doing too much.

all 4 piggies went mad straight afterwards and then calmed down after 30mins. They also seem less tolerant of each other for a while although they get on well. Apart from a major ear attack on the youngest when I picked them up.

sure this cooler weather will be better for pigs (and humans ….)