We Have A New Family Member!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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After Linney passed away last week, Sundae seemed absolutely lost. We have always planned to have more pigs and the kids and I felt that we should get her a friend sooner rather than later. So today we came home with our newest addition, Hadley Cupcake. My kids chose the name Hadley, and Linney's full name was Linney Cupcake, so we passed her middle name forward as a tribute to her. She's very pretty- I will have to find a way to update my profile pic so I can show her off. She's in quarantine right now, but we will be introducing her to Sundae once she gets a clean bill of health. In the meantime, we are trying to spend a lot of time with both our 'solo pigs' until they can have each other for company.

It is very bittersweet, as it's exciting to have a new pig, but I also still have a deep ache from missing Linney, and of course another pig is not a replacement for her... they are individuals and are not replaceable. However, Hadley seems very sweet, and I'm sure that we will have a great friendship with her too as we get to know each other better.
I understand how you feel about Linney, but it's lovely that you are giving Sundae a new friend. I can't wait to see pigtures!
Welcome Hadley Cupcake! Looking forward to hearing lots more about her and I hope she brings you guys and Sundae some comfort. x
Congratulations on Hadley. She will never replace Linney but I hope she can help you all by getting to know and fall in love with her.
it's such a mix of emotions when you get a new piggy after losing one. i hope she settles in well :)
I'm sorry for your recent loss, and I wish you the best of lucks for introduction time.
I also want to see photos! :luv:
Welcome Hadley! it is a difficult time, as piggies and humans grieve at different speeds and have different needs. Hadley will in her own time carve her own nest in your heart, but knowing that Sundae is happy again with hopefully aid you in dealing with your own grieving process.
I've changed my avatar picture to show a picture of Hadley, since I can never get photos to upload otherwise here for some reason! If you go to my profile page, you can see the full size picture, which includes her 'skirt' at the back and gives a better idea of her colour at the back. She's very cute! She seems to be settling in well being held, though she is still very skittish in the cage.
I am so sorry you lost Linney Cupcake. I am on my 5th dog and whilst I love her dearly I often miss my previous ones particularly the one I had to have PTS. I am sure that will be the case with Linney & Hadley. Looking forward to pigtures of Hadley Cupcake. I hope Sundae & Hadley become BFFs.
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