Dear Pepper and Pringle
This dereliction of duty has happened to us too! Our veg time is between 4 and 5pm and our breakfast is between 6 and 7am. Now we have to wait a whole hour later! The Slave has used this "clocks have changed" routine on us but we don't believe her. We just think that she is lazy! Don't our Slaves realise that their whole existence is to serve us? As the saying goes "Dogs have Owners, Cats and Staff and Guinea Pigs have Slaves" so why don't our Slaves pander to our every whim?
Lexi used a good technique the other day, we had a chat and decided that as the Head of the Herd she should try Psychological torture. When Slave came into the garage, Lexi just stared at her. Didn't say a word, or wheak, just stared and watched Slave's every move with her "I'm watching you" face. Slave immediately announced "Run time" so we made it very hard for her to get us into the Snuggle Sack Express so she would know we weren't very happy with the late breakfast, then when "Breakfast time" was announced, we fell on our pellet breakfast like we hadn't eaten in days in the hope that our Slave would get the hint we weren't happy with the delay in feeding us. Maybe both of you could try this.
Yours hoping that Slaves come to their senses.
The One and Only Thea
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