We Had To Separate :(

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Gemma Wadd 11

New Born Pup
May 9, 2015
Reaction score
I posted last week about problems with my boys Chip'n'Dale after Dale had to have surgery. We tried having a buddy cloth, putting them in a neutral environment (the bath) and after a while they settled down and so we put them into a fully cleaned out in door cage for a while to monitor.

All was going well until yesterday. After 3 full days of everything being great Chip suddenly started being VERY dominant with Dale and they fought off and on all day until in the end they had to be separated as there was fierce biting going on.

I have since ordered a double hutch for them so they can both live outside but I am so sad that it has come to this and so worried that they are going to be lonely now. Once I took chip away Dales mood seemed to really pick up as when he wasn't being chased and harassed he spent all his time sat in one corner. But then today he has been really quiet and spent most the day hiding.

These are our first guinea pigs and I am worried sick about doing anything wrong. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Hi! I am ever so sorry. It is always a very gutting experience. Sadly, once you get to full bites, there is no going back. Please make sure that you thoroughly check both boys and disinfect any bites. If necessary, have them seen by a vet.

Your long term options are:
- living alongside with interactions through the bars for constant stimulation.
- bonding with a suitable new boar mate at a good rescue that offers this service (so you are not running the risk of being stuck with two boys that won't get on)
- neutering with a good vet, so each boar can live with a sow. Either ask Honeybunnies rescue who they use as they have a strict boar neutering policy and an experienced vet or use the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton as the two safest places for a smooth ride. The crucial bit is finding a good vet, but you are spoilt in that respect, so neutering in your case would be an option to consider. A boar is 100% safe to go with a sow after 6 weeks. I have the unplanned daughter of an over 5 weeks post op boar here (not one of mine). Neutering is not a quick fix solution, but cross gender pairings are the most stable piggy bonds and often very loving if the piggies can choose each other.

Take your time to consider and research the various options while you are getting over the shock.
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