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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
South Wales
I don't notice my baby drinking that often.Is she drinking when i'm not with her?
Water intake can vary massively from not at all to drinking lots. it can also vary from day to day depending on the climate, the amount of fresh food, indoors heating etc.

Don't worry; she is getting enough fluid from her veg!
I worry if my older pig stops her drinking? I have two bottles attached to their day hut & their night bed but she seems dominant over her
Hi, I have two sets of boars both have two water bottles attached to their hutches which I change every evening, pip and fudge drink appox 100mls a day from their upstairs bottle and 50mls from the bottom one but both of Alex and Oreo's water bottles still look full when I go to change them I did worry about this at first but they have many different veggies so like wiebke said they get water though them. :)
They should be okay, your baby piggy may not trust you enough to drink in front of you. Believe me, it happens. As long as you aren't noticing any ill or abnormal behaviors, and your older piggy isn't too dominant, you should be okay.
Mine really vary a lot from day to day. I have noticed they are drinking more now they are inside (were outdoor from mid August until last week). They have 2 bottles and usually there is more gone from one than the other, they both drink from both bottles though so I can't tell who drinks what! Some days the water level has only dropped slightly, this morning though one bottle was half empty. I fill the bottles to a certain point so I know how much has gone.
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