Water free shampoo!

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I can see why you'd think a water-free option might be good, in theory, but if you're going on the advice of PAH staff then I'd always be extremely cautious!

Guinea pigs have such delicate skin and sensitive noses that I'd be very reluctant about using any kind of detergent which stays on the hair/skin. Personally I always try and rinse away any disinfectant/detergent type substances from the base of their cages (which don't even come in contact with the skin) so I really wouldn't want to leave residue on their actual bodies. I don't know for sure but I'd be surprised if the ingredients aren't too harsh for piggy skin.

I would've thought that rinsing with water is also the most effective way of rinsing away debris (hay/grease/food/poos/pests/dead skin etc) so it's worth rinsing to avoid a build-up.

I know that some guineas hate being bathed but I've found that mine have all got used to it in time, so I'd stick with it :)

Laura's reference guide to bathing piggies is worth a look:
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