Water filters


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2022
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We have had two girls for around four months and live in London. Is a water filter advisable? And would we just need to use that for their water bottle or do we need to use it to wash veg too? (And recommendations for bottled water also gratefully received). Thank you.

Definitely a good idea to filter their water. Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and drinking water so limited pellets and filtered water can help. Of course there is a genetic element to bladder problems so it wont totally remove the potential for issues but diet is all you can control.

There is a section in this guide regarding filtered water
All About Drinking And Bottles
Thank you both very much. I have ordered a Brita filter jug as we want the best for our girls :-) The link to the guide was very helpful - they do both use the bottle, though are quite light drinkers (though I suppose that may change in warmer weather/when they go out in their run). Is having a dish below the bottle still recommended if they do use the bottle?
Just a bottle is fine if that is what they are happy with.
(All my piggies use bottles and wouldn’t use bowls; my rabbits use bowls and aren’t keen on bottles (which consequently need cleaning out twice a day due to bedding being kicked into them!))
Does anyone know the rationale for changing bottles every 6 months? They should be clean if regularly sterilized. Does the plastic degrade or something? Primarily interested as I'm keen to limit landfill waste where possible.
Does anyone know the rationale for changing bottles every 6 months? They should be clean if regularly sterilized. Does the plastic degrade or something? Primarily interested as I'm keen to limit landfill waste where possible.

Hmmm….don’t know. I only replace bottles if they are damaged
Never understood this, one I week I clean them out with a cotton but from itch ends as a build up and gunk (chewed up hay) does appear, but other than that I only replace if they are leaking.