Water bottles

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Apr 25, 2007
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I'm having a bit of a problem with my two piggies. They've currently got two water bottles in their cage but only every insist on drinking from the on the left of the cage. They will occasionally drink from the other one but not often. They're able to reach both easily so don't know why they don't use both! I've tired swapping spouts over, moving the bottles around regularly and nothing works. With it getting hotter now I don't want them just using the one as they drain it quickly and we're not at home during the day to fill it up for them.

Was just wondering if any one else has any suggestions? If all else fails will just have to get them one big bottle but thought I'd see if anyone had any ideas first.
Wish I could advise, but no idea! Maybe keep a watch..let them finish one bottle, leave it empty and see if they then drink from the other one? If they are thirsty surely they will drink from any bottle? As you keep refilling their favourite one, they keep drinkng from it. Just a thought :P
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