Water Bottle On Inside Of C&c?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
Given their recent cage extension and the Summer weather, I want to add a couple more water bottles for our guinea pigs.

They are in a C&C and I fancy giving glass bottles a try. They currently have plastic which they use without issue, but I personally prefer the idea of glass.
But we have tile floors, and I worry about a bottle slipping and shattering.

I am sure I have seen people using water bottles which attach to the inside of a C&C grid.
Does anyone here do that?
How does it work?
Are they easy to remove and put back (the kids do all the water bottles)?
Do I need to be looking for some special attachment, or is it something super obvious which I haven't worked out yet?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I don't want to spend a fortune on glass bottles and then find I can actually use them!
We have a C and C cage and although we have a plastic bottle it is attached to the inside of the cage. I have found two of the bendy metal springs the best to keep it in place (which I got off eBay). My daughter (7) can replace it but does find it a bit fiddly. I would also like to try a glass bottle as the plastic one drips and I have read on here the glass ones are better for that.....but like you I am worried about it being dropped! 14684431148372116609260.webp
I used to have it inside the cage too, Trixie's (the one I used) aswell as Living World's ones come with all that you need to attatch them:
I also having the living world with the spring set up. My boys managed to break the connector somehow but as someone said above its an easy fix with cable ties
This is how my new babies have their water bottles the living world one is the only one that I've had of that brand that hasn't leaked! But I LOVE the ferplast sippy it doesn't drip at all! Ted and chewy will only drink from a sippy and not a ball valve one Murray is exclusively drinking from the sippy but Kimi doesn't quite know what too do with it yet bless him, but when he does it will be a sippy only household :D

Ps ignore the background that's the start on Ted and chewys pad as I said our living room is in the process of piggy palace!

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In my experience having the glass bottles on the inside of a c and c cage works great, I was never able to get the end of the valve to stick into the cage far enough for the pigs to drink from when I tried attaching the bottle on the outside. I too use the hanger and spring the bottle comes with,it usually works well.
our glass bottles are "Honey & Hopper" and are on the inside of our grids. They have a flat back (rest looks like a normal glass bottle) so they sit nice and flush. Oh and they come with fixings.

Fressnapf or Zoo&Co usually stock them if you have those in your area.
Thanks for all of the great advice.
I got one today (not living world, but it does look exactly the same) and it came with all the fixings, so it was super easy to install.
Now lets see which bottle they like best.
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