Washing New Fleece

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 22, 2016
Reaction score
Sheffield UK
Disclaimer: this may be a silly question. But I can't figure it out!

I've washed and dried all my new fleeces for bedding 4 times. Its still not wicking, so I need to wash it more. But it takes ages (and lots of drying room) each time to do 5 blankets, a lap pad and a piddle pad.

Can I just put them on a couple of cycles straight after each other? Or do they need to dry in between washes?

I'm only using a liquid non-bio, no softener, so that's not the problem!

Thank you!
I never dry mine between washes and it still works. I'd stick it in a couple more times without drying in between. :)
What fleece do you have? And are you putting something absorbent underneath to draw it through? And is it beading on the top? Or just damp?
Its a mixture of fleeces- all polyester polar fleece but different thicknesses as I'll be using for different things (liners, cuddle sacks etc). Its still beading on the surface. I've got towels for underneath, and it'l be on correx in their new c&c cage
Its a mixture of fleeces- all polyester polar fleece but different thicknesses as I'll be using for different things (liners, cuddle sacks etc). Its still beading on the surface. I've got towels for underneath, and it'l be on correx in their new c&c cage

What temperature do you wash them on? :) A hotter wash might help? x
No- but if the water is beading on top, it won't be getting through to the towels?
They're still in... Did them as late as i dared last night with a sleeping child, then set the timer for this morning. will know in about half an hour!
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