Warning for all vetbed users!

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I have been washing my vetbed in the washing machine since July with no problems...until yesterday when the machine completely flooded the kitchen floor, seems the washing machine is clogged with hay!

I always hoover it off and run a stiff brush over it too, wouldn't mind if I hadn't bothered to get off as much hay as possible.

Will now be washing it inside a single duvet which I will also knot at the poppered end to make sure not a scrap of hay escapes!
OOoops the duvet idea is good one hope it works!
cheers Dazie,

I hope so too, hubby will not be best pleased if I break machine again!
Hi Kaz,

Thanks for the heads up on the thread! Will put my fleece in the same. Going to get the girls and Cuzzy on Fleece laterr. Sunshine and Twinkle will be done tomorrow as theres is bigger and Peter is off work tomorrow!

Are your pigs in C&C or in hutches and cages?

Hi Louise,

They are in an adapted Nero 3 with an upper level for the winter, and in the summer they are in a hutch. i still use the vetbed in the summer as I didn't want to use woodshavings.

Good luck with the fleece i am sure you will love it as will your pigguns
Ah that's right I remember the pics now! I've 2 girls in a Nero 3 and 1 boar in 1 too. Peter thought fleece wasn't suitable for cages but I told him look at the mess we are trying in from the boys hutch with the megazorb! He soon came around! :D
Ah louise you have a good memory! yes I posted the pics a while ago. I have also put vetbed on the upper level as Molly has decided she wants to sleep up there next the the food! Sounds like you have a lovely understanding hubby like me . My hubby has been brilliant since I adopted my two girls earlier this year. I bought a hutch for them intially which I decided was too small so he let me buy a huge one which has a lovely area downstairs for them to eat grass and a lovely big bedroom. Below are pictures of said hutch and also one of molly snuggling in the bedroom


Aww lovely. yep Peter is great with the pigs, he'll get their bowls for me in the morning so I can top up veggies and he'll mind them for me when I am cleaning cages and the hutch out. He loves them just as much as I do. Sunshine adores him. It took him a while to get used to Mr Twinkle who has been a bit unruly at times but Twinkle was licking him this morning and I think Peter has come around to him.

His brother had pigs as a child so he knows a bit about them. I think it's great, we've found something that we all like to do in our house, look after pigs!:)
My hubby has been caught talking to them when they come out in the evening, even though he says they are a pain and have cost us a fortune! This bit is true must confess and we didn't choose to have them a friend was desperate to re-home them as she was moving into an apartment and her daughter who the piggies belonged to was at uni, so I said i would have them and she and her daughter could visit them anytime they wanted. Well the whole house has fallen in love with these two elderly ladies (they are nearly 5 now) and i wouldn't swop them for the world...just wish they were a little bit younger. Your Mr Twinkle sounds a real character, I think these piggies can wrap our men around their little piggie toes eh?!
LOl they sure can, Mr Twinkle was just called Twinkle but since he is the big boss we put Mr at the front and he suits it! the thing is he wheeks like a girl, so high pitched! So funny!

I'm glad Peter understand my piggy addiction because if he didn't then I'd have nobody to talk to (in reality) about them as there is only my Aunt and myself who have them my folks think I'm a nutcase to have 5! Ha, they should look at the forum and see how many some people have! :D
LOL Louise...their former owner thinks I am bonkers, she cannot believe how they are treated here and calls them pampered princesses. I suppose they are but then if you care about an animal you want to do all you can to make sure that they have the best in life and hopefully live a long and happy life. Luckily my mum is as bonkers about animals as I am so i talk to her all the time about them.

You made me laugh when you said that Mr Twinkle wheeks like a girl....My Bridget was wheeking like mad at me this morning and I couldn't work out why until I realised that she had seen the towel go down on the floor and knew floor time was coming...what a clever girl!
I used to hang mine on the washing line and beat them with a stick, then once they had been washed clean the filter out at the bottom of the washer
Hehe Liz thats good for getting any agression out of your system! :D Kaz I only have to make a cuppa and the pigs go crazy! The other day Fleur was after my curry pot noodle! I'm a cruel mummy I wouldn't share...lol
Boureki...glad to have helped.

Skinnylover, You so lucky to have a filter in your washer, mine doesn't have one. All washing machine should have one would stop machines clogging up eh?!

Louise LOL think guineas would try to eat anything. Mum was laughing at bridget yesterday, she had a corn on the cob a carrot a bowl of fresh green veg and loads of dry food and what was she eating....the flipping newspaper! ;D
Thats what I caught Cuzzy doing yesterday! I'm trying to get him to eat a bowl of veg and there he is tucking into the Liverpool Echo! :D
LOLOLOL Louise ;D What are they like!

I saw your thread re taking Cuzzy to the vets, I am so pleased that he seems to be on the mend I wish him well and hope that he gets back to his naughty little self asap
Thanks Kaz! He is doing good now although still not eating fully but everyday is an improvement!

He has picked up this strange ability though since being ill! He keeps moonwalking! I think when he was poorly just getting around was a struggle so walking backwards helped him to get comfy as well as his Dougal nickname (hes a cream sheltie) we have started calling him Jacko (After Michael Jackson...lol)

Everyday they make me laugh, one good thing though having to nurse Cuzzy has made him very tame he was always the worst one of the 5 for running away and not staying on your knee for long so hopefully that will improve!

So pleased that he is almost back to normal...Wish I could see his moonwalk. They are funny little things. Bridget had a little piece of hay in her eye last week which I couldn't get out so I took her to the vets as her eye began to look sore. He removed the hay and gave me some cream which I had to put in every two hours for the first couple of days. She was always the runner of the two but I am sure she knew I was helping her, she would sit on my lap and let me put in the cream and then gently rub around the eye. The two of them are soooo tame now they are in the house.
I hand wash all my Profleece (vet bed) outside (yes even at this time of year), I wash it in a tub. use washing up liquid to wash it. then I let it drip dry on my garden chairs as I find it works better than the washing line lol.
I bought a laundry bag from Poundland to wash my profleece in. :)
I use a slicker brush to revive the pile after, it fluffs it up a treat.
New washing machine arrived yesterday and I washed the vetbed in it for the first time in a single duvet which I also knotted at the popper end (taking no chances) it washed up a treat and then it goes in the tumble drier. I did try to wash it by hand when I was without a washing machine but I found it incredibly heavy, it soaked up all the water like a sponge and I found it really hard to lift it out of the sink, there was water and bits of hay going everywhere!
ROFL Kaz and the hand washing! I bet you ended up in a right mess! I find it hard to wring anything out as I broke my arm at 15 and now have arthritis in it, doesn't trouble me just when it comes to physically using it over and over again!

Will wash my fleece tomorrow, in the play area I have sheets down for the boys, this seems fine until I get more fleece takes ages to spot clean in the mornings though but it's worth it as its so much more cheaper than buying bedding! :)
KAZ said:
New washing machine arrived yesterday and I washed the vetbed in it for the first time in a single duvet which I also knotted at the popper end (taking no chances) it washed up a treat and then it goes in the tumble drier. I did try to wash it by hand when I was without a washing machine but I found it incredibly heavy, it soaked up all the water like a sponge and I found it really hard to lift it out of the sink, there was water and bits of hay going everywhere!

Well at least you can say hand on heart thet vet bed really does work soaking up the pee ;D ;D
Alison said:
I bought a laundry bag from Poundland to wash my profleece in. :)
I use a slicker brush to revive the pile after, it fluffs it up a treat.

OK, slightly embarrassed to ask, but what is a slicker brush?
It's a Dog grooming brush. It is for dogs with very long, fluffy or dense fur.
Vetbed tends to go lumpy after a wash, they slicker revives the pile making it fluffy again.
They are also great for brushing it off before it goes in the wash.
Problems getting on computer it has been playing up....at least family cant blame this malfaunction on the guineas! LOL

A slicker brush sounds great alison may have to invest in one!

How did you get on with the washing of the fleece Louise? Hope cuzzy is back to normal now x
Hi Kaz,

Yeah the fleee is great, I'm changing the girls once a day, the boys every 2 days and Cuzzy every 3. Cuzzy has a new pal, his name is Eccles I've posted some pics up of him in the photo gallery. Turns out after his illness he was a little depressed with being a solo pig. He is a lot better now, very rumbly at the mo Peter is watching them!
Oh dear! Yes, I have actually done this no less than four times in two years! ;D My washing machine is currently breathing a sigh of relief because we're on woodshavings for the moment.
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