Warm Ears. Cold Feet.

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New Born Pup
Jan 24, 2016
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My piggies are usually having their feet cold. It's not that they are running over the floor or something, they are just in their cage, and a lot of times their feet are cold.

I have read some threads about this issue, but in my case their ears are warm. I'm worried because I had another piggy 1 month ago and the day before he died he had his feet cold... :(
Our piggies often have cold feet. Try not to worry if they are healthy in every other way. Do you weigh them regularly?

What are their names?
Mine get cold feet, even the one's who are off the floor. I check their body temp them (give them a sneaky cuddle) and they are usually quite warm, same when I notice their ears are a bit cold lol.
Our piggies often have cold feet. Try not to worry if they are healthy in every other way. Do you weigh them regularly?

What are their names?

They're Sakura and Wilma. I weigh them once a week, but since I have them only for a week, I don't have any other weight to compare. They look healthy, yes, very fearful but healthy :nod:

Mine get cold feet, even the one's who are off the floor. I check their body temp them (give them a sneaky cuddle) and they are usually quite warm, same when I notice their ears are a bit cold lol.

Good to know, it seems that it is not so weird then
Maybe a circulation thing? But as long as they're healthy otherwise and their bodies are warm I wouldn't worry too much :) Perhaps encourage them to run about a bit more to boost circulation and heat :)
I'm thinking it's a normal thing- as the rest of their bodies are at normal temperature, they likely just have cooler extremities as part of normal circulation. I've also had the experience of having pigs feel cold right before death, but in that case it's a function of the body shutting down and a general loss of body temp everywhere, not just the feet. As long as they are behaving normally and the rest of their bodies feel warm, I wouldn't be worried that it's a sign of something dire!

Not sure if your pigs have pink feet or darker feet, but in my pink-footed piggies I've been able to tell when they get warm, as the soles of their little feet flush. Sundae also has pink ears, so we can really tell when she's warm, as her ears and feet pink up! She is warmer when the environment is warmer and when she is running around being active... sometimes even vigorous chewing is enough to make the circulation to her ears increase!
Just like people, they get cooler feet than bodies :) it's not a problem as long as the little piglet is otherwise healthy :hug:
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