Wanting Additional Guineas!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 19, 2015
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hi all!

I'm new to this thread! I have two guinea pigs at the moment and have he them for about a month now, we got them when they were 8weeks old from PAH.
Would we be able to get two more and have them all in a big c and c cage?

Guinea pigs form bonds and relationships so, sometimes introducing more can upset the dynamics. If you want more , I strongly advise you uo see if there is a rescue nearby who can offer a bonding service as part of rehoming . There is rescue locator on the top toolbar.
Hiya, welcome to the forums. If you have boars I wouldn't try a third to be honest, but if you have sows you might be able to get another sow that fits in, I would do what @PiggyOwner has suggested and go to a rescue where they can help properly :)
In this section Behaviour and Bonding you will find several threads under the 'sticky' section (meaning extra useful threads that always stay at the top of the page for easy access). Taking a look through them will give you a better idea about what is involved in introductions, and whether or not it is something you feel is right for your pair. As @Kerrie74 says, adding boars to a boar pair is asking for trouble! :)
Ditto all the suggestions above! A big C&C will be lovely to have a larger group in. More success likely with girls bonding. Boar trios can result in fighting and fall-outs, but some forum members have had success keeping small boar groups happily together, the odds are stacked against it though!
Thanks everyone we have two little males called Bruce and Sylvester :). I know at the moment neither of the boys are the more dominant guinea, as they both do have there moments . I will definitely read up on the bonding stickies though! :)

As your boy's are young I wouldn't suggest attempting to add any more. They still have to go through their hormonal teenage phase when fall outs are most common and more than two boars together usually results in problems!

If you would like more piggies, I'd suggest a second pair in a separate enclosure. A recommended rescue is a good way to find more piggies and help free up space for the rescue to help more piggies in need.
Hi and welcome, really cute piggies:love:. We got a pair of boars a week ago,8-10 weeks old, and after reading this brilliant forum I'm already worried they might fall out when they become teenagers, I definitely will not be adding any more, even though they are just soooo irresistible :D.
Hi and welcome, really cute piggies:love:. We got a pair of boars a week ago,8-10 weeks old, and after reading this brilliant forum I'm already worried they might fall out when they become teenagers, I definitely will not be adding any more, even though they are just soooo irresistible :D.
Try not to worry.... Many, many pairs work perfectly well but some do have problems.

The problem with choosing piggies from a pet store is that you just tend to pick two from a group. it's a bit like you picking your husband/wife from 15 photos then expecting to live in a bedsit for the next 50 years, without ever really leaving the house and get on perfectly without squabbles.... We wouldn't do it but we expect our piggies to. Good pairings or groups are all about personalities and who fits well with each other. Hopefully both of you work out fine in the end :)
Thanks for the reassurance MerryPip, but I must admit I feel a bit silly not knowing it could present problems in the future:mal:. Having kept them before I just thought it was plain sailing but my other two had been together about 3 years when we got them, so just didn't think about it :doh:. Oh well, what's done is done and if they do fight I'll just do what I do with the kids, cage each in different rooms:lol!::whistle::woot:
Thanks for the reassurance MerryPip, but I must admit I feel a bit silly not knowing it could present problems in the future:mal:. Having kept them before I just thought it was plain sailing but my other two had been together about 3 years when we got them, so just didn't think about it :doh:. Oh well, what's done is done and if they do fight I'll just do what I do with the kids, cage each in different rooms:lol!::whistle::woot:
Cage each but in the same room would be better if you ever got to that stage..... :) Although I hope it doesn't! That way they can still chat. Often it can end up with a 'can't live with them, can't live without them' scenario where two boys live happily as neighbours even sleeping either side of the bars from each other but sparks fly if they are in the same cage...

I'm sure yours will be fine :)
Thanks MerryPip, they get on so lovely at the moment I'm hopeful it'll stay that way. :btt: Sorry for hogging the thread.
Thanks everyone we have two little males called Bruce and Sylvester :). I know at the moment neither of the boys are the more dominant guinea, as they both do have there moments . I will definitely read up on the bonding stickies though! :)

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Hi! It is always very tempting when your cute little boys have settled in well and are giving you so much joy to want to add more.

Please be aware that all boars go through a hormonal phase between 4-14 months which can be quite tricky. More than half of pairs that have not been character dated will make to a hormonally more settled adulthood as a pair, but baby boar trios only very rarely (the fall-out rate is about 90%).

If you want more, I would strongly recommend that you wait to see how your two boys are faring in the coming year. You may need to separate them and find them a new character compatible companion - ideally at a rescue that offers boar dating, so you can be sure that the boars work out and you do not end up with more boars not getting on.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
Hi sammi14, just out of curiosity did pah inform you of any potential problems? I ask because that's where we got ours and it was only after we explained we wanted 2, my son and daughter had chosen, handled and fell in love with our two and I had done the paper work that she said " you'll need to watch out Incase they fight" . By then everything was in the trolley, including piggies! I did feel at the time that that info should have come sooner, preferably away from my 7 year old twins ears, so I could have made a more informed decision. Anyway hopefully your two little boys will get on and so will mine:tu:
Hi sammi14, just out of curiosity did pah inform you of any potential problems? I ask because that's where we got ours and it was only after we explained we wanted 2, my son and daughter had chosen, handled and fell in love with our two and I had done the paper work that she said " you'll need to watch out Incase they fight" . By then everything was in the trolley, including piggies! I did feel at the time that that info should have come sooner, preferably away from my 7 year old twins ears, so I could have made a more informed decision. Anyway hopefully your two little boys will get on and so will mine:tu:
Hi Loki
No nothing about fighting was mentioned to me, we chose two guineas and chose a cage and a few toys and that was it. Then went back a week later for the check up and the lady said how they were etc and were they friendly towards each other. The people in the RSPCA section in the store were soooo helpful though! We got so much information! What's your guinea's called I reckon the boys will get on :)
Hi , sammi14, the twins have called them max and ned! Not my choice but you know what it's like:nod: I love them as much as the kids, they're great! I couldn't get rid of either, they will have to put up with me whatever :own:
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