wandering dog

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Jan 23, 2006
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found a little half bald dog this morning with a collar roaming around the place I followed it a while but it would not let me near its collar, then it went to a back gate of a house but no one was in, had to ask a neighbour if she recognised the dog, and she said no so followed it some more then the little darling escaped onto the downs, thing is I'm sitting here worrying about him , I even offered him my choccy bar but he was smart, just hope he knew where he was going , and its not cold tonight
Aah! I would worry too! He's obviously escaped from somewhere if he's got a collar eh? Bless if he's half bald he probably made a run for it! Gosh I hope he comes back your way! I'll be thinking of him / her now! Bless.......
Oh bless him. How worrying. I hope he's gone home and if he hasn't, that he wanders by your way again.

There used to be a cat where I worked that had no collar on and looked a right state, really skinny etc. He was so friendly though and I hatched a plan to get him and take him home. I even gave him a name, Bob (cos he was found on Burnt Oak Broadway :)). Steve came to collect me with the cat carrier one evening and I went to get Bob who would always let me pick him up and cuddle him. This day though he wouldn't come near me. I had to give up in the end. A few weeks later, I asked the person living in the house next door if they knew if the white cat had an owner. "yes he does" said the man "he's mine". I'm so glad he didn't let me take him home that day. ::)

I'm hoping and praying Michelle that the little dog you saw has an owner somewhere. How about leaving some dog food out for him and seeing if he comes back.
trouble is he went into the downs Brading Downs is hugh and he can go anywhere any direction, think he was having treatment for a skin problem, so he is definalty lost I'm going out later to have a wander around with some doggy chews in my pocket knowing my luck I'll end up being followed by half the areas mutts will also ring the dog warden to let him know where he was last seen, he will notify the police and RSPCA as they are the first place most people call first, I'm watching the weather now worrying about him
:( awww i hate to see doggies wandering round any time but especially in this weather , poor soul i hope he finds home :'(
got back a while ago and no sign dont know if thats good or bad , will think good or will be worrying myself about him ,
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