Walks over and bites


New Born Pup
Apr 29, 2022
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Hello, I'm new here. My wife the other day brought home three guinea pigs from the animal shelter. I have never had guinea pigs before but have raised other rodents. But the one guinea pig walks over and bites me all the time. I'm never messing with that one when he bites me. Usually he nibbles a littlebiut today he bit me really hard and drew a little blood. Does anyone know why he does this? I've had chinchillas before and they never did that. Same with the hamsters and mice I've had.

There can be many reasons - this guide explains further " Biting" And What You Can Do (Biting, Tweaking, Nibbling and Nipping)

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Do tell us more about your piggies?
How old are they?
Are all three of them male? If so, then do keep a close eye on things as a boar trio is very difficult to get to last long term. Make sure you have a large cage if they are all boars - for three boars that is a cage covering three square metres/32 square feet. (to allow one square metre of territory each)
:wel:, my guinea pig bites me I put it down to not paying him attention because he is all right when I have him in my fleece pyjamas!

Any photos of your guinea pigs !
They are all three male, and about 1 month old all three came from the same litter. The other ones don't bite or nibble at all just the one. And not normally he doesn't bite hard he just nibbles a little then stops. I've looked all over the place and all I can find is people getting bit while holding the guinea pig. At the time he bit me I just had my hand there and all three came up to me and started sniffing me.
Ok, then I’m afraid to inform you need to keep a very close eye on them - when it comes to attempting an adolescent boar trio it’s a case of prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
As babies they are usually fine together due to their desperation for companionship. From around 4 months of age, they will become teenagers and will get hormonal. It’s at that point a boar trio will usually start to have problems. Most boar trios do not make it to adulthood together unfortunately. Being from the same litter doesn’t make any difference I’m afraid. You are likely to end up needing to separate them into a pair and a single and then find a new friend for the single piggy.
Please do ensure the cage is beyond normal sizing requirements - lack of space between boar pairs is an issue but between a boar trio can really cause problems - the cage will need to be 3 metres by 1 metre or alternative configuration offering the same floor space (for two boars together the cage needs to be 180x60cm) . Also ensure that you have three of every item in the cage and that all hides have two exits. Sadly this won’t necessarily mean they will make it as a trio, but it’s all you can do.

I know it’s not nice to hear this when you’ve just got them, but best to be prepared. Failed boar trios are one of the most common things we are contacted about.

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Babies explore with their mouths so he may have thought you had food.

All the green links I’ve added will give you further information
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