Walking Guinea Pigs

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Nope, just no.
Its silly and stupid to firstly get the harness onto a small wiggly body and secondly, try and walking them around in it.
Nope, just no.

Thanks for replying. I like to bring my guinea pigs out to run around but I worry they will run under a table or into a closet or something. I usually don't put anything on them, but my Umi loves to run up and down the hallway with a harness
putting harnesses and leashes on guinea pigs cuts close to their prey instincts and can cause them to freak out. Their instinct is to run and hide if anything spooks them but if they are on a harness/leash and can't run for cover then they could end up injuring themselves quite badly.
Thanks for replying. I like to bring my guinea pigs out to run around but I worry they will run under a table or into a closet or something. I usually don't put anything on them, but my Umi loves to run up and down the hallway with a harness

Best thing to do if you want to let them 'free roaming' its to make the area Guinea pig proof. So block off any under area's you don't want to let them go in. Put down puppy pads or something else so they won't pee on the floor if its carpeted. Have hides for them to run in and out of and around.
Best thing to do if you want to let them 'free roaming' its to make the area Guinea pig proof. So block off any under area's you don't want to let them go in. Put down puppy pads or something else so they won't pee on the floor if its carpeted. Have hides for them to run in and out of and around.
Thank you! One thing I worry about is them getting under or behind the refridgerator. I think my Kyper is to big to fit:xd: Umi might though.
putting harnesses and leashes on guinea pigs cuts close to their prey instincts and can cause them to freak out. Their instinct is to run and hide if anything spooks them but if they are on a harness/leash and can't run for cover then they could end up injuring themselves quite badly.
I agree. The last thing I want to do is worry and scare them.
leashes can cut into guinea pigs skin and cause injury to there spine.It is n excellent idea to allow free roaming if you cut the exits that piggies could get stuck under.:agr: with all the above comments.I hope you find a good solution.xx
I agree, their bodies are far too fragile for harnesses and leads. You could piggy proof a room or get some panels together as an indoor run
Please do not under any circumstances use a harness or leash on your piggy. These can cause serious spinal injury to piggies.
In the forum's terms and conditions it is forbidden to post photos or links to pictures of piggies in clothes or harnesses. (Here is a link for you to familiarise yourself with the rules) Terms of Service And Forum Rules
The reason we take this stance is in the interests of piggy welfare and safety.
Please do not under any circumstances use a harness or leash on your piggy. These can cause serious spinal injury to piggies.
In the forum's terms and conditions it is forbidden to post photos or links to pictures of piggies in clothes or harnesses. (Here is a link for you to familiarise yourself with the rules) Terms of Service And Forum Rules
The reason we take this stance is in the interests of piggy welfare and safety.

I would never hurt my piggies on purpose, but I'm not 100% against costumes. My guinea pigs are really chill, and I would only do it if they were okay with it
I do not understand costumes on animals. Dog coats in winter for dogs, yes, because it helps keep them warm, but costumes?

Dolls and cuddly toys get costumes. P@H sell clothes for dogs and it drives me nuts. Dogs are not humans. They dont need clothes.

my lot have their various fleecey things but I would never dress up living animals in costumes. It just doesn't seem the right thing to do, no natter how others might view it as cute.

Just my view on it.
My view on it too Flamestriker.

Happy-piggy it is great that you are doing your research before going ahead. Many people are not so thorough/considerate.
When we first got the pigs, we bought a harness and tried to see how Duncan would react to it (don't worry, we were VERY careful and it wasn't even on) and his reaction showed us the truth- NOPE. I've heard some pigs understand it and enjoy it but I think these are very rare, and generally pigs like free roaming. As for @Flamestriker's view on clothes, I agree. I know a dog who sleeps in quite a chilly room (I know what you're thinking, and she's totally pampered, really. She adores her owner, he adores her) so she has pyjamas. Well, apparently. But being restrained terrifies guinea pigs and can cause injury- also, what if they escaped the harness and ran away?
Also, clothes on animals INFURIATES me. I understand popping a loosish, comfortable costume on for a quick photo, but you see pictures of miserable looking dogs in clothes. I saw a video of a raccoon dancing in a tutu, he was clearly being taunted with food for entertainment. It really disgusts me.
Well, rant over. I'm sure there's a guinea pig staring at this screen somewere, nodding, though.
I'm all for treating pets like family members, and I do anthromorphise my two to some degree ("Willow said..." "Marble rolled her eyes..." "They're annoyed with me...") and I guess there's some degree of inferring 'human' emotion states onto animals. But for me there's a really clear line between likening them to humans and removing 'animal' aspects. Referring back to the original query on harnesses and walking, it's far preferable to piggy proof a room by blocking off areas with boxes, grids, using a puppy pen or indoor run.

What gets me the most is people with small dogs who dress them up and carry them. Like seriously? That dog will be in its element on the grass, running around, weeing up and sniffing lampposts and mooching round other dogs bums! If that's unsavoury to an owner, get a doll!

That said, me and my sister dressed our Yorkshire Terrier up in our pants and vests. We must've been 6 and 4, the look on the poor things face was like 'Kill me now!', Yorkies can be so expressive and he was just resigned to this but so not down with it :))
Thanks everyone! I have never had guinea pigs before a month ago, I just had a fish. I'm also getting a dog soon. Thank you for all of your replies and I will remember to be more careful with what goes on them. I will stop putting harnesses on them and if for whatever reason I have a little hat or something for them, I will make sure it is only on them for 2 min or so.

I treat my guinea pigs as if they were my own kids and I love them a lot. Thank you everyone!
Before I got my pigs I did nearly 3 months of research, but I never thought to look at costumes and harnesses
Its a definite no for me, harnesses can do so much damage, especially if the piggy panics. A lovely safe run in the garden is much better :)
I do not understand costumes on animals. Dog coats in winter for dogs, yes, because it helps keep them warm, but costumes?

Dolls and cuddly toys get costumes. P@H sell clothes for dogs and it drives me nuts. Dogs are not humans. They dont need clothes.

my lot have their various fleecey things but I would never dress up living animals in costumes. It just doesn't seem the right thing to do, no natter how others might view it as cute.

Just my view on it.

I also hate the stupid "dog clothes" in the pet stores. I also loathe those that carry around dogs in their purse every time they take them out somewhere. It is a dog, not a fashion accessory.. it walks! let it!

I don't mind seeing hats on piggies as those can easily be shaken free and ONLY for quick photo shoots. Also a most definite NO to harnessing guinea pigs, they do not have the spine for it and can very easily do themselves an injury during a panic if restricted. Same applies to rabbits and harnesses.
Ha I jokingly told my mum I was going to get her dog a reindeer outfit... I was of course joking...

Cookie has jumpers and coats for outdoors (and a rain coat cos she doesn't like the rain) but I've never seen a dog so sad and petrified when they are put on. Shes fine once she is outside in them but clearly doesn't like having them put on
Totally agree with everyone else here. Harness and costumes have not place on a guinea pigs back! They can cause far too many problems and for all those who are saying their guinea pigs let them put costumes on them it's probably because they're too scared to do anything to object. It's a highly unnatural and scary thing for them. Please just don't!
I don't think the pigs would like it very much, and if you yank it could hurt their backs.
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