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Vitamin C

We had taken him to the vet for a follow up cause he was on antibiotics for a minor respiratory infection. We took him back they did a culture but it look like 2 weeks and then apparently it came back with strep pneumonia, but he still eating, popcorning like he’s happy, the vet mentioned if he’s doing better as in no more sneezing constantly or even that nasal breathing of course we don’t want to be giving him antibiotics that he doesn’t need but he said to make sure he was eating and what not and give him childrens vitamin c but I’m not sure
A 2-3 weeks booster course with vitamin C is perfectly fine when you are on antibiotics for an infection in order to give the immune system a nudge. Oxbow (you will find the information in the guide link) do some vitamin C which is geared for piggies.

Trouble can come if you supplement all the time and ignore the vitamin C that is already in the diet. The body will adapt to these higher levels and react with symptoms of scurvy as soon as they drop for some reason even if the actual levels are still above normal. We see more of this kind of scurvy, but none of our own piggies has ever been pulled up by a vet for not having any artificial supplement in their normal daily diet, provided you feed a good balanced, hay and fresh grass based diet (it should make a good three quarters of the daily food intake).

Fresh growing grass is actually high in vitamin C and reason why piggies never had the need to make their own.
You have to take some care to introduce it into the diet without causing tummy upsets.
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time

All the best for the recovery. If your piggy needs a second course, please go for it. It is better to do a proper job now than having big trouble later in life.