Vitamin C tablets for a piggy who eats no veggies?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 18, 2021
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Hi everyone!

So my mother has one guinea pig named Ms. Pearl. I know she loves Pearl a lot, but she could improve her care. I try to help her and tell her to do certain things for Pearl, and while she disregards my advice most of the time, she has tried to introduce more veggies over the last few months. The problem is that Pearl has no taste for veggies. Pearl is 3 or 4 years old and has apparently never even liked veggies as a snack offered throughout the years. I think she may not be used to them either because she was never offered them as a baby or in bulk until recently. My mom started leaving out plates of veggies for her and she ends up eating the paper plate rather than the veggies. I have stressed that she needs to introduce them multiple times and let Pearl sit with the veggies for a while and my mom ensures me she has done that. She apparently will eat tomato and some iceberg lettuce ( I know, I tried to tell her iceberg is bad), but that's it. My mom thinks giving grass is not an option either as a lot of wildlife eat and presumably use the bathroom in my parents backyard. She gets handfuls of different hays everyday and I have stressed that hay needs to be given daily, so I think my mom is giving her that. She always has a bowl of cheap pellets with vitamin c fortified bits, but of course that's not a great way to get vitamin c.

I am concerned about Pearls vitamin c intake. I was going to send my mom the same vitamin C tablets my vet gave me. My piggies had them as an extra immune system boost when they were very sick as babies and they seemed to like them. I don't know if Pearl will eat them because they are orange/parsley flavored, but I figured she could give it a try. I know excess vitamin c is bad, but Peal is getting very little besides the rare piece of tomato and whatever she may be getting from her hay and cheap pellets. I assume a half of a tablet once in a while couldn't hurt. Is this a good idea? What are your thoughts? How much would you give? Thanks for the advice in advance and a happy new years eve to everyone! :)
I think it is a good idea. I feed oxbow vitamin c chews. Won't Pearl eat green pepper? Is your mom leaving pellets out? Maybe she is filling up on pellets instead of the vegetables?
I think it is a good idea. I feed oxbow vitamin c chews. Won't Pearl eat green pepper? Is your mom leaving pellets out? Maybe she is filling up on pellets instead of the vegetables?

I believe she has already tried pepper and didn't eat it. Yes she is leaving pellets out, but I can't change her mind not to. Pearl will try to eat things she is not supposed to, will eat tomato and iceberg lettuce when offered, and loves eating her hay, so I don't think it's a hunger issue. My mom isn't going to give her daily vegetables no matter what, so I think a vit c tablet once in a while is a good idea as well. I have made a guinea pig care package that I plan on sending my mom in the next few days with the tablets and a few other things in it that I hope will improve Ms. Pearls life.
We bought two more pigs last weekend and they wouldn't touch vegetables but I've been offering it everyday anyways and they are eating it now after 6 days. Hopefully she will keep trying.. You know when I was a kid we had a Guinea Pig and my mom would only let me feed him pellets and iceberg lettuce and carrots. It is frustrating when you know what provides better care but they just won't try it. Could Pearl come live with you?
I have no advice.

Just wanted to say how lovely it was that you're trying to help this poor piggie however difficult it seems. 💞