Vinny's friend is coming home today!

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Sep 12, 2012
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Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania, USA
I am so excited! I am going to be picking up an 8 month old boar today for my current guinea pig Vinny to have as a friend! I have a feeling he knows something is up because he has been very excited the past few days. :))

I just had to tell someone who knew the benefits of getting a second pig (some people just don't believe me ugh) because I am so happy for my little man.:<>

I will post pictures later when I get home with the little guy!:)
I'll look forwards to seeing the pictures! :)

Is that Vinny in your avatar? He's very handsome!
Fingers firmly crossed!

Please make sure that your newbie has some quarantine if necessary and that he also has at least a day or two next to Vinny, so he can settle in and get to know his future mate before they meet. That will take a few potential stress factors out of the equation and give the intro proper a better chance.

I think that we have already supplied you with the appropriate links for intros?
Yes that is my handsome Vinny in my avatarx)drool

And I plan on checking on how the person has been taking care of the newbie before taking him home for potential quarantine time. The only exposure to other guinea pigs is his aunt, mom, and the other pups. Still good to double check though! -c And yes you and many others have supplied me with much information and links! Thank you! I plan on putting them side by side for at least a few days to get used to each other's presence before introduction after I make sure the new piggy is healthy.:)

Oh I am still so excited! I have barely been able to sit down all day!:(|)
Aww, yay! That's great news. Fingers crossed for a good bonding. I hope they accept each other :)
Sorry for making everyone wait so long I had to cook dinner and do some other things around the house:)) He seems to be in great health with healthy little footsies (no bumble-foot) no lice, all his hair and no patches or thin spots, his eyes and nose are clear and I even took a peak in his ears which look good too. All he needs is a bath because he is a little greasy, I don't think he has had a bath yet. But all is well!:(|) Oh and I made sure he was a boy before I brought him home:) His name is Oreo, the woman I got him from called him that and by boyfriend got all cute with the little guy and wants to keep it Oreo. And to think he needed convincing HAHA:))



Oh hes absolutely adorable!

Haha I'm glad your OH loves him. I knew that would happen. People always fight and then fall in love with the piggies. They are just that smart at making us slaves. :(|)
Isn't he a cutie! He has a little stripe on his chin like his nose too! :p I figured my OH would fall in love too, he loves animals, I think thats why he put up such a fight. :(|) Piggies are sneaky into making us slaves aren't they....{:| :))
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Oh how handsome!! He looks like a little Oreo! Haha

Good luck with the bonding! Xxxoxo
Aww, he's gorgeous. I think Oreo suits him too :) Lets hope Vinny thinks he's lovely too! :(|)
I have them in the room next to my livingroom and I just heard them having a little conversation:)) So I think they are starting to get used to the company. Oreo is starting to get used to his surroundings too, faster than I thought he would since we have cats and we would need to have to get used to smelling them.
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